The hell inside

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There he was. Standing on the other side of the gym. With two goons at his side. I smirked, this would be easy. I looked over my shoulder as the door closed behind me. Two more goons stood at the sides to block it off. I walked over to King Douche.

"This is the best you got?!?!?" I laughed.

"No, I have so much better. You just wait," he grinned.

"I've been waiting all day! I really expected more from you,"

"Maybe I just wanted to talk,"

"After the prank I pulled on you? Ya right,"

"You're right, I'm bored. Get her boys." And that's when the action started. The goons all pulled out water bottles filled with cherry kool-aid. What did I do? Well natural instinct of course, run. But I ran at kiran. The goons wouldn't pour kool-aid over their boss, right? I used him as a human shield, tackled him to the floor and rolled over so he was on top of me. He is surprisingly weak. But that put us at a Very awkward situation. I was right though, the goons stopped and wouldn't pour kool-aid over their boss.

"So, what do we do now?" I asked.

"Well usually this results in kissing...." He winked.

"I would rather fuck a manatee," I turned my face so he couldn't get to my lips.

"Have I your way then." He smiled evilly, "Boys! Douse her!"

"But your there too...." Goon number 1 said.

"I GAVE MY ORDERS!!!!" Kiran roared. Now was the time to act. I sprang up and pushed kiran into the nearest goon. Then I made a break for it to the side door, one guy intercepted me so I ran out the back door. Kiran came out next, dripping in kool-aid. 😊

"You running away freshman?" He taunted, "too much for you to handle?"

"No, I just needed a little help." And with that Sam came up behind him and decked him hard enough for a clean K.O. I smiled, "thanks Sam," he nodded. I texted everybody that we had taken care of it and they could abandon their positions. Cas and violet were going to go see a movie and everyone else was meeting up to help take care of kiran.

Now, I'm not normally a violent person, but I can make exceptions. It was Viccy's idea to tie him up in the basketball hoop. It was mellisa's idea to change the password to his phone and then turn it into the office. It was Jenna's idea to call up his ex for revenge. And it was my idea to drench him in kool aid and tie up the goons who got caught on the bleachers. Needless to say, we bailed to go get food at foreign villains. And now we play the waiting game to see if kiran gets out of his 'situation'.

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