So Channel and Kiran walk into homecoming together...

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        And the second they see a better option they split up. I know, worst bad joke punchline ever, but good for me. Heres the thing, I helped Channel with English about 5 times a week she didn't know my name but hanging around her has gotten me some good info. Not info I need but good none the less.

"Hey, whats with Kiran?' I aproached her.

"Ugh, he offered me a ride here because Johnathan just broke up with me and then he tried to KISS ME!!!! Can you believe him?! soooo annoying. Who's your date?" She complained.

"I just came to dance"

"hhhahahahahahaha. Oh girl you are in for a surprise, have fun danceing anyways." I could tell she was slightly drunk but could still function.

"Ya I will" The thing about danceing is that you can tell a lot about a person by the way they dance, or grind, which is incredably more popular.

The middle of the dancefloor is where you want to be. No one can see your face its so packed and working up the ranks is as easy as Krysta Magakie. Believe me on that one. Once I ditched 'danceing' with the prom king to go talk to kiran, Channel and Johnathan had taken up a spot in the bleachers.

"hey,' I said smoothly, "hows your girlfriend up there? hahaha."

"Shut it, freshman." He frowned, "Why does she like him anyways?"

"Cause she's a whore you idiot. That's just what they do."

'Yea, but i could have changed her,"

"No, you couldn't have, dont worry,"

 "Yeah, well i could have at least tried. So which football player found you?"

"Sadly, it was the captain," I cringed.

He laughed,"Ah, watever, Tristan's a good guy. Sooo, you got any friends here?"

"Naw, Melissa isnt allowed to go anywhere and the rest of them are out smoking and stuff" I made a gesture with my hand.

"Alright, well my date ditched me. Want to call a truce for tonight only and ditch this lame event?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Why the fuck not?" I followed him out and we got into his car.

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