Chapter Two

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Present day

Yuna sat outside the Orchid Cafe, stirring her iced coffee with a black snapback on her scarlett head to block the Sun's rays. It had been an incredibly hot day as far as the 14 year old was concerned. Nevertheless, it didn't stop her from wearing black leather jacket over a white blouse on top of black ripped jeans. As she was stirring her coffee and contemplating her sucky life, she noticed 4 boys race past, laughing and looking behind them as if they were being chased. Yuna looked up at them from over her sunglasses and smiled. It reminded her slightly of her of her escapades in Busan with her older sister, Hana. She watched the boys hurtle round a corner as three policemen charged after them. Once they were gone she returned to her iced coffee. She longed for that life again. The life of living in the edge, adrenaline pumping through her veins. But she couldn't live that life now. She knew that. She just wished things had gone differently.

16 months ago

"You have to let me take the blame, okay?" Hana grabbed the younger girl's face in her hands. The redhead shook her head, tears rolling down her cheeks. "But what will happen to you?"
Hana shook her head violently. "Do not worry about what will happen to me. Just go along with what I say. And Yuna?" The elder took the younger girl's chin in her slender fingers and looked her deep in the eyes. "Never become a part of this life again. It's not safe for you"

Yuna pouted. "Hanna Unnie, I'm 13, I can take care of myself"
Hana smiled affectionately and kissed her girlfriend's forehead. "I know you can. But I don't want you involved with things like this anymore. Do you promise me this? You will leave this life behind."
Yuna nodded. Hana bit her lip and smiled slightly. "Good. You mean so much to me, Yuna. I don't want to see you end up like me"
Yuna said nothing. She just looked at the girl she had seen as a second mother most of her life with fat tears streaking down her face.

"But for now, we run."

Present day

"You gonna drink that?"

Yuna looked up to see a boy about her height standing next to her. Yuna raised an eyebrow. The boy gulped. "Uh, I mean, I, er, you weren't drinking it so, uh, I, uh-"

Yuna rolled her eyes. "I could care less. Leave me be."
The boy sighed. "I'm sorry. I really was only asking out of concern. I'm Min-Jun, by the way."

Yuna raised her chin in acknowledgement.

"And you are?"

"Why do you need to know?"

Again, the boy, Min-Jun attempted to stutter his way through a sentence.

"Oh my God I'm Yuna! My name is Yuna!"

"Did you see that!"

"That was awsome!"

"He was like, 'hey get back here' and you were like, 'so long bitches"

The boys laughed as they watched Juwon and Bon-Hwa reinact the events of this afternoon as they sat on the wall near the beach. Their most recent escapade was to see how far they could get on private land before grumpy old man Gun-Ho caught them and called the police. Bon-Hwa had gotten the furthest which was expected of him. Halfway through Juwon and Bon-Hwa's dramatic explanation of their adventure, Bon stopped mid sentence to look at a leather clad girl with crimson hair strut past.
Who's that?" Jin nudged his tall, dark friend, Seo-Jun who was smirking at the look of awe on the boys' faces. Seo shook his head, baffled. "I've no idea. But she's hot!"

At this, the girl turned around and smirked.

"Sorry boys" she purred. "Not interested" and she carried on walking.

"What are you interested in?" Bon, the boy with glittering hazel eyes called after the girl. She turned around momentarily and the corners of her mouth twitched. She turned around once again and left the group of boys in stunned silence.

Yuna grinned as she left the group of boys say on the wall, their mouths hanging open. Typical boys. She thought. They'll take anything wearing a skirt and heels. Well, jokes on them. She thought to herself, grinning. She didn't like boys. She preferred skirts and heels.

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