Chapter Six

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Yuna woke with a groan and rolled over to go back to sleep when she realised what day it was and, more importantly, what she was doing that day. Yuna gulped and sat up, an uneasy feeling in her stomach. She hadn't seen her sister since that night.

16 months ago

"Stop! Stop right there!"

"Yuna go!"

"I won't leave you Hana!"

The older took the younger's face in her hands. Her chocolate eyes burning a scar that would never leave the now broken hazel eyes.

"Listen to what I said. You have to let me take the blame. You have a whole life ahead of you"

"So do you!"

"Yuna. Listen to me. You need to run. Tell Sara what has happened. Then pack your bags and leave. Never return to this life"

"Put your hands in the air!"

The brunette kissed the little scarlet haired fireball on her forehead and hugged her tight, knowing this would be the last physical contact they would have in a long time.

"I love you Yuna. Don't forget our promise. Now go!"

And with that the little girl ran. Her red hair leaving a trail of fire behind her. Never looking back.

Present Day

"Yuna? Yuna!" Her mother's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. She looked up startled.

"Let's go!"
Yuna nodded silently and followed her mother to the car. Just as she was about to get in the car, She was stopped by a tall, lanky boy with a lollipop in his mouth. " Hi Yuna! Where are you going?" He asked. Yuna pursed her lips. "What are you doing here Min-Jun?"

The boy looked a little hurt at the girl's tone. "I-i heard you do breakfast too. I thought that if..." The boy trailed off once he saw Yuna's bored expression. "We're closed on Sundays" she snapped. Min-Jun looked up at her through his long lashes, an almost guilty look on his face. Yuna sighed. "And I'm going to see my sister. I'll see you later?"

The boy smiled and nodded, sucking on his lollipop. "See ya!"
Yuna have him a tight lipped smile and waved at the boy before getting into her car.

Min-Jun watched the little red car drive off and sucked his lollipop thoughtfully thinking there was definitely something up with Yuna. Something she wasn't telling him. Now, he knew they weren't that close but still, she had lied to him, and his mother had always told him lying was a sin. He pulled out his phone and typed into the search bar:

'Min Yuna'

Once Yuna and her mother reached Seoul, they hailed a taxi to take them to Seoul Prison. The entire way there, Yuna's stomach felt like it has turned into a theme park. It was doing loop the loops constantly. But not the good kind. The bad kind where the carriage is rusty and the rails are too slippy and at any moment it might just...fall. The pair followed a guard down corridors that smelled of bleach and made Yuna want to throw up. As they sat down infront of the glass, all Yuna could see was infront of her. It was like having tunnel vison. She hadn't seen her sister in over a year. She jumped at every door slam, every footstep. She felt her mother place a reassuring hand on her shoulder as a slim, slimmer than she remembered, and beautiful girl glide into the room behind the glass. Yuna stared. She stared as the girl infront of her picked up the phone. She stared as her own shaking hand picked up the phone. She stared as she heard her sister's voice for the first time in 16 months.


Yuna barely recognised the girl on the other side. Her face was gaunt, her once shiny, full black hair was thin and dull. And her eyes, her eyes had lost their playful glint and had instead been replaced with an unfamiliar hardened look of which if you looked close, you could see the cracks, you could see the pleading look of a broken woman.

"Yuna talk to me"

"What happened to you?" Tears pricked at Yuna's eyes.
Hana let out a bark of laughter. "Prison, Yuna."

Yuna's eyes glistened. "This is my fault. I should be in here. Not you."

Hana clenched her jaw. "No. I'd rather suffer through a thousand sentences than even let you stay one day in here."
Yuna desperately held back tears. "I miss you Hana. I miss you so fucking much"

Hana shook her head. "Don't say that, Yuna. Don't make this any harder for me"

Yuna looked away, stung by her sister's words. "Just come home" she whispered and looked back at her sister. "I know you didn't do it"

Hana clenched her jaw. "I know. But neither did you. But there's no evidence to prove it. So I'm here until I'm allowed to leave."
"But I can't go any longer without you!" Yuna blurted out. Hana looked down, silent. "Goodbye Yuna."

"Goodbye Unnie"

And Yuna left. Not bothering to wait for her mother who had sat down to talk to her eldest daughter. She fled, letting the floodgates open as the hot, guilty tears burned marks down her face. Her sister didn't do it. She had to find a way to prove her innocence. She had to.

Upon arriving in Busan, Yuna clambered upstairs into her room, flung herself onto the bed and sobbed and sobbed until she felt she could cry no more. It must have been no more that a couple of hours when her mother knocked gently at her door. "Yuna, there's somebody here to see you"

Yuna rolled her eyes and dragged herself off of the bed and to the front door. Opening it, She was greeted with the stony face of Min-Jun holding up a 17 month old article in his phone.

"Why did you lie to me?"

Sorry this took AAaAagGgEeEesS to upload but I've been really ill and studying for my exams so ain't great. But I'll try to update a bit more. Bye!✌

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