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J-Hope looked at Jimin as they sat accross eachother in a cafe. They had been there for 53 days, they didn't know why either. Jimin and J-Hope had been talking to eachother without saying a word. All they needed was eachother, and Jimin's mind reading powers. J-Hope looked away, and Jimin grabbed his arm. "Hyung, but I love you more than they ever will." Jimin pledges his love for J-Hope and J-Hope turns away dramatically and slightly pushes him. "I c-can't betray them, they are my everything!" Jimin looks at the back of J-Hope's head and continues to read his Hobi's mind.
       I love you Jimin, but Sprite is always going to be first.
But Hyung-
No Jimin, Sprite is the love of my life and I can never let them go again.
I-I I guess I shall wait
No, you can't stop me!

      J-Hope got out of his chair and ran away like that school girl in every manga/anime ever.
Jimin continued to watch as J-Hope ran away, going to be with his one and only true love Sprite.

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