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I drive to their house in silence, and pull through the gates. I get out of my car and adjust my shirt before letting myself into the house. When I go in, I could hear yelling coming from the game room.

"No! I died!" I hear the familiar voice of Aaron say. I laugh to myself then go upstairs to Devyn's room, running into Colby on the way.

"Oh, hey Jo," he says smiling.

"Hey, Colby," I say, and continue to go past him and into Devyn's large room. The girls are already in there, and when I come in they jump up and give me a hug.

"Hey girl!" They stay in unison and I laugh as they both 'jinx' each other. I feel my phone vibrate in y pocket and check it, seeing it is an unknown number.

Unknown - please give me another chance

I instantly knew who it was and dropped my phone on the hardwood, making a noise loud enough to wake the whole street. I move away from it and flop onto Devyn's bed.

"What is it, Josie?" Kat asks, and Sam comes in the room.

"Um, we all heard a giant crash and are wondering if you all are okay?" He asks, looking at us weirdly over the state we were in. Kat was walking to my phone, I was on the bed, Devyn looked shocked.

"Yeah yeah, we are okay," Kat says, picking up my phone and looking at it, "shit."

"What?" Devyn asks, and takes my phone away from her.

"Did he memorize her number?" I heard Kat whisper to Devyn.

"What happened?" Sam asks, and Kat shows him my phone. He scrunches his brows together and looks at my state.

"What should we do?" Devyn asks, concerned.

"I wanna kill that dickhead," I mumble, and Kat walks over and sits next to me.

"I know," she says, and I look up at her.

"Why can't he just leave me alone? I moved on months ago, what does he ..." I stopped, and widened my eyes, "give me my phone."

They give me my phone and I hurriedly type a message to Lewis.

Me - what the fuck u want

I lock it, and wait for it to vibrate. Five minutes pass, and still nothing.

"Guess he finally left you ..." before Dev could finish the sentence, my phone vibrated.

Unknown - i want u to give me a second chance. I know i took a really long time but i thought about it and i know my actions hurt you. I am so sorry, please give me another chance. Even as friends.

"What should I say?" I whisper, and before anyone could answer we heard Colby coming up the stairs.

"Hey, Sam! It's your tu...." he stopped when he saw the lot of us huddled around me, my phone in my hand. I locked it and shoved my phone under a pillow quickly, and ran a hand through my hair.

"Hey, Colby, I'll be down in a minute," Sam says, but Colby doesn't budge.

"What is going on?" He asks. He knew we were suspicious of something, and we new we were doing a shitty job at hiding it.

"Colby, it's nothing," Kat says, then pushes Sam a bit, "go, Sam, we will be down soon," she says, and he nods. He grabs Colby by the arm and pulls him out of the room with him.  When they were out of earshot, Devyn spoke up.

"You have to call him, tell him your done. Mean it," she says, and I swallow.

"He doesn't respect your texts, call him and tell him to fuck off," she says, and I nod.

"Okay," I say, and press 'call'. I put the phone to my ear, and he answered much too quickly for my liking. He started talking about how sorry he was, and all I felt were hot, angry tears flowing from my eyes.

"Fuck off, Lewis. Fuck off. You didn't respect me then and you didn't respect me now, why do you expect me to give you a second chance? I told you we were done, yet you still just had to get in contact with me, didn't you? Well, I am ending it here, right now. I do not miss you, I do not like you, I do not love you, I do not want to give you something you dont deserve. Now piss off and stop trying to contact me because I do not want contact with you," I say, and hang up instantly. In talking to him, I had wandered all around the room, and what I didn't realize is that Colby had come back up for some reason and heard the whole thing.

"Josie? Was that Lewis?" He asked, and I wiped my eyes.

"Yes, now please leave me alone. That was not a conversation for you to hear," I say, and shut the door on him. He lets me shut it on him, and I press my back against the door and look up at the ceiling.

"You did it, girl," Devyn says, and walks over to give me a hug.

"Now, we can hope that he does not call again. I suggest you block that number," Kat says, and I did just that.

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