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3 Months Later

This chapter is all in Colby's POV, and in the next one Josie will be coming home from Australia. I would have made the details of her trip longer, but it wouldn't be very interesting so yeah :)

I wake up to Brennen shaking me, mumbling words about a party and how we were going to go.

"Brennen go away," I say, and look at my clock, "Wait, its 2pm?"

"Yeah man, you slept for a long time," Brennen says, and I groan, rubbing my eyes. I immediately text Josie, who had sent me at least ten messages about the day. Today, her stepmom criticized her clothing choices and made her dye her hair back to brown, since red was 'ugly' and 'didn't match with her personality' or some shit. Over the past three months I could see why Josie hated her so much.

"Anyway, why did you need me?" I ask, and Brennen looks at me in disbelief.

"You forget about BigNik's party?" He asks, and my eyes widen in remembrance.

"Shit!" I say, and jump out of bed. Brennen leaves laughing, and I go into the bathroom to quickly shower. When I was done, I got dressed and combed my hair so it was perfectly done.

Three hours later we were on our way to the party. We arrived at Nik's place and we could already hear the Punic vibrating through the walls.

"It's only 5pm bro," I say, and Brennen nods, leading the way in. When I was in, immediately iris began to bat their lashes at me, and three of them offered me a drink. I declined and got my own, and walked to a couch where people were playing FortNite.

"Colby! Over here!" Brennen hollers, clearly drunk. I get up and I see him with his arms slung around two girls, with a cup of something in his hand.

"Let's dance, Colbs!" He says, and shoves one of the girls towards me. I caught her and she looked up to me, her small hands gripping my biceps as she pulled her self up. She looked at me in the eyes and smiled, and pecked me on the cheek in what I believed was a thank you, then left.


I drove Brennen home after the party at around 3:am, and he was passed out in my car. I decided to just let him stay at the house overnight, and texted Sam to help me, who was surprisingly still awake. We woke Brennen up and walked him to our couch, where I deposited him then went up to bed. As I lay i bed to check my phone before I tried to sleep, I saw I had only two messages from Josie. It was a screenshot off someone's SnapChat, and an angry message from her.

Josie :) -  Explain please

I didn't know what to do. I decided to call her, and try to talk to her in person. She thankfully picked up, and she did not sound happy.

"Who is she? Why did she kiss you? Why do you look happy about the whole situation? I have been gone for three months and you already have another girl hanging on you?" She asks, and I could hear her throwing what sounded like shoes into a bag.

"Jo, she fell into me. Well, Brennen pushed her into me, and then she kissed my cheek and walked away," I say Colby, hoping that she understood. She is quiet on the other end, and in a small voice responds back to me.

"Are you sure? I ave heard a shit ton of horror stories where a girl goes away and the guy cheats, and I would never think you would cheat but I just got scared," she answers quietly, and I take a breath. It was hard to be mad at my girl.

"It's okay, Jo. I promise that was al that happened," I say smiling.

"Okay, okay," she says, and I could hear her take a breath, "okay."

"Okay?" I ask smirking.

"Don't make this some Fault in our Stars shit, bro. Love you very much, but I gotta go," she says, and I laugh at her comment.

"Love you too, baby. See you in three months," I say, and we hang up. God, I missed her so much.

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