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"This place is crazy," I comment once I am seated. Colby opened and closed the drawer again a few times, and for the next few times it didn't flicker but then it flickered again, and he moved back over to me.

"No way man," Aaron says in the back, staying far away from the lamp. I do not blame him. Corey slams the drawer after Colby sits next to me on the bed, and it goes back to not turning on then turning on.

"It has to be a set up," Colby says, although he is holding my hand tight. I squeeze his hand and look at him, and he lets go and puts his arm around me.

"That's weird, that's super strange," Sam comments, and then Colby gets up, and I follow. He moves to a closet near where we entered and tried to ope the door. It opened, and he backed up.

"I don't like this," he says, and i shake my head in agreement.

"Okay, guys, but why did this light flicker?" Corey asks, pointing to a wall light.

"Dude, it gives us instructions to do Bloody Mary," Jake says from the bathroom, and Colby and I walk over.

"Oh, hell no," I say, and move out of the bathroom. I was okay with scary stuff, but when it came to Bloody Mary, I was not there for it.

"We got to try it," I hear Colby say, and my eyes widen.

"No fucking way Colby!" I yell, and receive a laugh from the boys. He comes over and gives me a hug, rocking back and forth.

"Dont worry, babe," he whispers, and I rock back and forth with him. We cut the camera and start wandering on ur own. I move to the creepy ass closet Colby opened earlier and looked inside. Nothing seemed abnormal. When I went back into the main room, Sam was back on the camera, pointing it at the light that I realized started working all of a sudden.

"What," I say, confused, switching it on and off a few times. The other light that was flickering was also on, and when I turn Colby is walking over.

"Dude, let's turn off the lights," Colby says, and I drop my jaw.

"Well, don't leave me when you do that," I say to Colby, and he nods, taking my hand in his. Aaron sighs and suddenly all the lights turn off. I grasp Coly's hand tightly, but he lets go and places his arm around me protectively. I lean against him for comfort, and Sam speaks up.

"Everyone be quiet for ten seconds," he says, and I listen to my breathing, which was uneven and shaky. My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I also had a fear of the dark, I do not really know how it came to be but I do. Finally the lights turn back on and I take a deep breath and put my hands on my knees.

"You okay, Jo?" Colby whispers, and I nod.

"Lot's of fears all at once," I say laughing, trying to make the mood a little lighter on my side, since we were not here for me. We were here for the spirits. He nods and rubs my back until I stand straight again. When the lights turned on we all stood around the room trying to listen for any noises.

"Wait, did you all hear that?" I say from near the bed.

"Yeah, I heard something like right there," he says, pointing to a spot right above my head. I look up and strain my ears to try to hear anything from there, but I heard nothing.

"I dont hear anything," I whisper, and then Colby walks over.

"Wait, are these handprints?" He asks, and I widen my eyes.

"Oh shit your right," I say, and examine them. They were faint, but they were definitely there.

"That's where I heard the noise too," Jake says, and I press my lips together.

"Look, there are scratches too," Colby says, running a finger over them. I do the same, and sure enough underneath the pad of my finger were distinct scratches in the wall.

"Okay, let's go explore around the ship," Colby says, and without thinking I dart out of the room and into the hallway. What we didn't realize, though, is that Aaron stayed in the room alone. Colby talked about how it was weird when we had come back from exploring, and Colby thought that maybe he was waiting to hear something. We open the door and both Colby and Corey asked what he was doing.

"I'm filming, and I heard like knocks right over there, by the bed. A bunch of little taps," he says, and he turns on the audio. Sam and Corey lean down to hear it, and sure enough there were knocks coming from the recorder.

"Wait no, I heard that right now," I say, and Colby agrees.

"Yeah, right there," Colby says, and I felt nerves rising up.

"Yeah, we should get out of here," Corey says, and I follow right on his heels.

"Definitely, we should get out of here," I say and we all leave and start exploring around the ship again, this time with Aaron.

"Yo, I'm checking out my twitter DM's and everyone's like 'faZe rug just did this!'" Colby says in a high pitched voice.

"Oh really?" Sam asks, and while he was distracted I decide to jump on Colby's back. I jump up and Colby runs forward a few steps, then stops.

"Wow, thanks Jo," he says, and I hop down.

"Love you," I say, and peck him on the cheek. We explore around the ship, checking out the all too creepy isolation room, and the one thing I noticed was that there were barely any people wandering the ship. It felt as if it were just us and the spirits.


After a extremely rough night of practically no sleep, we drove back home. On the way home, I fell asleep on Colby's shoulder, and let me just say it as the best sleep I had ever had in a long time.

All The Little Lights // c.bWhere stories live. Discover now