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Colby's POV

She looked stunning. I wanted to say that on the drive there but she looked so scared. She looked scared. Devyn kept up conversation with me until we got there, and a couple times she asked Josie's opinion, but she was in her own little world. When we got there Josie slid out of her seat and waited for Devyn. I waited for the two, and when I opened the door to the restaurant, I let them in first.

"Thanks, Colby," Devyn says and joins Corey in the waiting area.

"Thank you," Josie murmurs as she walks in, which got a smile on my face. Tonight was a night I was going to fix as much as I could, no matter what. I was willing to do anything for that girl, she was the light of my life. The waiter then came over to serve us. He was young, and had his eye on Josie as she walked to the table. He pulled out a chair, but she must have noticed how he was acting and she chose one on the other side, in between Sam and Corey. I sat on the other side facing Sam, Devyn faced Josie, and Kat faced Corey. The waiter stood at the end of the table, and began taking drink orders.

"Any drinks besides water? How about we start here," he says, and points to Sam. Sam orders, and then he went to Josie, who said the most bizarre thing.

"I would like to have a different waiter, please," she says cockily, and the waiter gives her a look.

"I'm sorry?" He asks, a chuckle on his lips. Josie kept her face straight, and raised an eyebrow.

"I said, I would like a different waiter. I'm here to have a fun night and I don't need someone flirting with me. I have a boyfriend," she says, which causes my stomach to get butterflies. I see Corey give Devyn a look, and Kat poked Devyn. They were all just as shocked.

"I'm sorry, miss," He says and walks off, and Josie takes a sip of her water. Minutes later an older server comes around, and opens his notepad.

"Sorry about that, what can I get you guys?" He asks, and Josie says her water is okay. Everyone else gets their drinks and he leaves, and Kat starts talking.

"Girl, you were not having that," she says, and Josie nods.

"It was rude," is all Josie says, but that didn't stop the butterflies in my stomach. She indirectly referred to me as her boyfriend, and I couldn't have been happier.

Josie's POV

At the end of the meal the previous waiter came around to apologize, and this time didn't make eye contact with me. I had ordered a salad, and had only taken a few bites out of it when he came around.

"Sorry about my behavior," he says to the entire table, and I push my salad around.

"It's okay. Can we get the check?" Sam asks, and I place my fork down.

"Yes," the waiter says, and hurries off. Devyn kicks me under the table and I look up.

"You okay?" She mouths, and I nod. Sam paid the check and we all stood to leave. I felt lightheaded as I stood, but pushed it off as I walked out. I simply looped my arm around Kat's for support, but she gave me a weird look.

"You doing okay?" She asks me, and I just nod.

"Your not, get in the backseat," Devyn says, and sits down with me. Everyone splits to their cars, unaware of me thank god, and I knew Kat would keep it quiet. When I sat down I dropped my head and rubbed my temples.

"Colby, go home," Devyn orders, and he drives quickly. When we park I get out by myself, pushing hands off me.

"Leave me alone," I say irritably, and go up to change. I dress in sweats and a fitted long sleeve tee and as Devyn walks in, I feel my whole body go limp.

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