First Day

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Y/n's P.O.V

            I woke up to this super annoying sound. What the hell is that? Why is it so loud? Isn't it Saturday or something? I hear a thump and then footsteps heading twords my door.

*Thump* *thump* *thump*

           "Hey, Y/N. Get up."

Oh God. It's Happy. Why do I have to get up? Do I have some meeting or something? Maybe I have to get a new formal dress fitted.

            "If you're late for your first day of your sophomore year of college. Your dad will kill me. Get up."

He started to sound more annoyed than usual. Shit. The first day of college. I totally forgot. I hopped up from my supper warm and toasty bed and opened the door. Happy looked pissed off.

            "I'll be down in a minute, can you make sure breakfast is ready so we can leave when I get downstairs?"

He nodded and started off for the stairs. Ok, so I have about 10 minutes to get ready and I NEED to make a great first impression because I'm a Stark and whatever. So LET'S DO THIS! I quickly grabbed the outfit I had already set out. I needed to look nice but not to fancy so no one would be overwhelmed by me. Hah. I crack myself up. But I do want to make a good first impression. I slipped on some comfortable high waisted jeans and then threw on a cute crop top. I cuffed my jeans and then slipped on my converse. I ran to the bathroom and picked through my hair and hairsprayed it then threw on some light makeup. I grabbed my high tech-y phone off its charger and then ran downstairs. Happy was waiting at the door for me and I grabbed a piece of toast. 

"See you guys later!"

I yelled out to whoever was in the kitchen at that time. Probably some of the avengers or something. Happy and I hopped into one of my dad's Limos and we headed off to school. I settled back into my seat. I can't believe it. After all these years of begging to be a normal kid my dad finally let's me go to a normal high school. Well, technically not normal. I had to test to get in, but it's still PRETTY normal? I think? Anyways, I just super nervous because I know how dumb people can be. I'm a Stark and so I'll probably be crowded at the door or people will call me a bitch because "I rely on my dad's money" or whatever. But I'm still excited. I think.

Peter's P.O.V about 20 mins after ^^^

        "Peter Parker. Will you come down to the office please. Peter Parker, down to the office"

God. What happened this time? Did I miss they catch me skipping class? Ned gave me the look and I just shrugged twords him not really knowing what they wanted. It can't be that bad, they won't be able to prove anything. I left Ned and started heading twords the office. There was a big group of people surrounding the office. What the hell is happening here? I pushed through the swarm of people, thought it took me a bit, and stepped into the office. I started to look around to see what the commotion was about. That's when she caught my eye. Y/N. Stark. Mr. Stark had been talking about sending Y/N to a public school but I didn't know he met this one. All of a sudden I got a new message on my phone.

Mr. Stark😎: Surprise underoos! You better make sure she stays safe. She's my whole life.

Holy shit. I mean, crap. He trusts me. Mr. Stark actually trusts me with her. Wow. I heard someone clear their throat. I looked up to see Y/N, she looked pretty annoyed and was trying to get the office attendants attention. Probably so she could get her schedule. I walked up the the counter and then gave the lady a kind smile. She was probably overwhelmed with the amount of students surrounding the office that she didn't see Y/N.

          "Hello? Ma'am, I'm here to pick up       Y/N's schedule so I can show her around. Could I please have that paper?"

The woman at the desk started flipping through her papers, she pause for a second and then pulled out a crisp, white piece of paper.

          " Here you go kids."

She smiled up at me and handed Y/N the paper. Y/N smiled back at the woman and turned to me.

          "Can we find my locker first? I really want to put my backpack away."

She glanced over to the swarm of people at the door.

"Nevermind, I'm never gonna get out of here, this was a mistake. "

She started to turn around most likely to head back home but I grabbed her hand. She froze and and spun around to look at me. My face flushed red and I let go.

          "I-i. Ummm sorry about that, just. Don't go. I can get us through."

I gave her a reassuring smile and then moved my hand again to grab her hand. I hesitated and then looked up at her.

"May I?"

A smile started to grow on her face. She nodded yes and held out her hand. Hell yeah. I grabbed her hand and then started to speed walk to the door. I pushed the door and started to run, Y/N staying right beside me. The crowd saw us exit and started following us. I turned to corner into the main hallway and look for her locker number. Wow. Her locker was right next to Ned's. Lucky. I quickly put in the combo and put her stuff in, I could teach it to her after school when people started to calm down from seeing the one and only     Y/N Stark. Thankfully we both had the same first block so we both started to make our way there. By the time we reached the English hallway the five minute bell rang. Everyone that was following us turned to head to their class. We walked into the class and sat down next to each other, only to realize we were still holding hands.

           "Gosh! Sorry about that!"

Her face flushed red and she looked away quickly. God she's so pretty.

            " No! It's fine, I didn't mind at all..."

No wait that sounded a bit creepy.

"I take that back, that sounded creepy and I wasn't trying to sound creepy."

She started to laugh and looked up at me.
"You didn't sound creepy, you sounded...sweet. Also, I don't think you told me your name. I KNOW you know me, but I don't know you."

  Her head tilted when she asked me.

           "The names Parker. Peter Parker"

I hope this fist chapter is ok. I just love Peter Parker and even though there are a lot of stories on "Peter Parker x reader" I just think most of them are cliche or involve the main character getting super powers and I think that's lame. So I'm writing this so I can get a story that I know won't be cheesy or stupid. So, yeah. That's about it. Welcome to hell bitches, this book is gonna be a slow burn. Hopefully y'all like it


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