Daddy Knows Everything

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"Good, because I like you too."

Peter wispered out right after we had our moment. I didn't want to rush anything but he was just so perfect and sweet and wonderful. He hugged me again and then I heard a noise that no girl ever wants to hear when she's flirting in private. The door opened wide and a loud, manly gasp filled the room. We both looked over to the doorway to see my dad. He was in shock and then his eyes moved to my waist, where Peter's hands were VERY close to my butt.

"Get your damn hands off my daughter. I trusted you Pete. And right when I leave you start making moves on my daughter? Y/N put on some pants, I can see your damn underwear. Peter.... Get a sweatshirt and cover up what you got goin on down there. Y/N we need to have a talk. Peter. To the meeting room. NOW. "

My dad threw his jacket at Peter, who grabbed it and tied it around his waist. He grabbed Peter's arm and pushed him out of my room. Then when Peter was halfway down the hallway he grabbed his phone and typed in something.

"Yeah, Steve? I need you up here. I need your help."

He hung up and rubbed his face.

"Dear God. I can't believe this is happening already. You're still my little girl."

Tony flopped into my bed face first. Oh no. Not this. I know exactly what's about to happen. He would only call Steve for one reason. THE TALK. I already knew everything, because even though everyone treats me like a baby. I was fucking 20 years old. Of course I knew about sex and all that jazz. I've done it PLENTY of times. But my dad didn't know that.

Tony and I sat there quietly, both waiting for Steve. We both looked up at my doorway when we heard a knock. Here it goes. The sex talk with Steve Rodgers's. I can't believe it's actually fucking happening.

"Y/N.... There comes a time in every persons life where we grown up. And when you grow up, you tend to get....urges..."

Oh my gosh this is so fucking awkward.

" To.... Get rid of these urges some people....touch themselves...."

Tony looked over at me and I sunk into my bed. My face covered with embarrassment.

" You've got to be FUCKING kidding me. STEVE! DAD! We didn't have sex! I didn't touch his dick. He didn't touch my vagina. No one stuck it into anyone. Nothing happened. I met him two weeks ago and I think he's cute. We kissed. That's it."

I flopped into my bed so I wouldn't have to look at them.

"Wow you're fuckin blunt kid."My dad chuckled to himself.

"I know nothing happened, I just wanted to scare the shit out of the kid." Steve tilted his head in confusion and stepped twords us .

"Then why am I explaining masterbation?" I never thought I would hear that word ever come from Rodgers mouth. Gosh that's really weird. I looked over at my dad as he chuckled to himself.

"I think it's really funny when you give THE TALK. You make it so awkward hun." Steve looked annoyed and walked out of my room. Dad turned to me.

"I know there's something going on between you and underoos. But please be safe. Take it slow. I know from experience. He's a good kid Y/N. And if he breaks your heart I'll fuck him up." I shook my head. What a dork. The sex master himself is giving me relationship advice. Heh.

"Dad, I want to get to know him first. Definitely no rushing. And NO sex right away, I'm not an idiot. I've learned from past guys." Tony hopped up on his feet and opened his arms for a hug. I jumped up and squeezed him tight.

"Thanks Dad. I love you 3000."He squeezed me tighter.

"No. I love YOU 3000."I don't know when this started, but this is always what we did. It was our daddy daughter thing. And I loved it.

"Hey, can you send Pete back in here? I want to chat with him a bit."I looked at Tony with puppydog eyes. He shook his head and walked out of my room. As Tony walked out, Peter walked in. Still with my dad's jacket over his crotch. I giggled a bit to myself. What a dork.

" Sooooo. What's happening now? Did any of that happen? Or am I having a GREAT dream?" Peter questioned, tipping his head to the side.

"Oh it totally happened. But can we take it slow Peter? I don't want to rush stuff."He looked extremely happy after I said this.

" Of course!"As we smiled at each other I saw a pink-ish gas float through my air vents. I breathed in deeply to take in the smell. It smelled kinda funky. As I was about to open my mouth to tell.... Wait. Who's the man in my room? Why is he wearing red and blue? A bigger and buff man burst into my room wearing red, white, and blue followed by a man with long brown hair and a metal arm. They had odd masks on and thew another one of those weird masks at the cute stranger in my room. I heard someone yelling that an experiment had gone wrong and the gas had leaked out. What experiment? Where am I? My vision started to go black and I felt an odd sensation through my body. I reached out to nothing as I felt myself collapse.

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