Who the hell are you?

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Y/N's P.O.V

         I snorted out loud and then covered my mouth quickly.
"So, you're a fan of James Bond?"

Peter looked like he was in some trance when I looked up at him. What a dork.
"U-um, yeah. I am! I love all the geekish stuff."

He snapped out of his trace and continued to look at me. His gaze drifted down to the floor.

"Maybe I shouldn't have said that out loud...."

He mumbled out almost so quiet I couldn't here, but I did. I started to giggle again.

"You know what! I take what I said back, I'm totally not a geek"

Peter face was bright red at this point.
"It's ok. I'm a geek too! I mean, you know my dad. I'm all about tech stu-"

the teacher walked into the room and she cleared her throat.
"Ok class! We have a new student with us today!"

The class started murmuring and pointing at me. I heard wispers like "that's    Y/N Stark" "I heard she's a bitch" "is that Penis Parker's girlfriend?" I already can't handle this shit. I sunk down into my chair and Peter looked over. I barley even know him and I already know he's a cool dude. He's kinda cute but I don't really know him that well. Maybe next week after I get to know him I can invite him ov- the teacher cleared her throat. What is up with her and doing that?
  "Are you going to come up here Miss Stark?"

God, I didn't here her call my name. Already starting out perfectly.
"Sorry Ms. I got lost in thought..."

The class started murmuring again. I glanced over to Peter and he nodded his head twords the front. He mouthed the words "introduce yourself" oh. Duhhhh. I hopped up out of my seat and walked up to the front of the class.
"Well, I'm not sure what I should say? Like. You guys know who I am."

The teacher glared at me and the class started to giggle.

"Ok then,"

I shoved my hands into my pockets. If the teacher is going to be a bitch, I can be bitchy too.

"You guys know my dad is a badass, so that makes me badass Jr. Don't mess with me, don't get in my face, and don't be a bitch."

I looked directly at the teacher and she scoffed at me. I looked over to Peter and his eyes were huge. The teacher look like she was about to tell me off when the phone started ringing
(idk if any of you guys have classrooms that have phones, but I do so this class is going to have a phone)
       While the teacher talked on the phone the class just did whatever. I walked back to my seat and people crowded around me.
  "Heyyyyy, sooo Y/N. I'm a pretty cool person and so you will probably want to befriend someone like me. We could be the coolest kids in school and we could totally be like. A power couple."

A short kid with slicked back black hair and dark skin had his hands on my desk and was trying to chat me up. From the looks of it his friends were the people that had swarmed Peter and I earlier in the hallway and that we're around me now.
  "And you are?"

God this kid was annoying, he seemed like a creep. I should probably stay away from him.
"All yours if you want me baby~"

he winked at me. This is going to be a long day


         I finally got home after that terrible day. I didn't talk to Happy the entire way back home. I just wanted to lay down. I got to meet Ned, one of Peter's dorky friends and at lunch I sat with Peter, Ned, and MJ. MJ was super cool and edgy. She didn't talk much but I liked her. After lunch that one kid that was being super creepy....I think his name was Flash? Well, he was in my classes and he somehow got Peter away from me so he could flirt. It was gross. I walked through the kitchen to find out I walked in on a meeting.  The Avengers were all Sitting in my living room and we're all arguing. The usual. What wasn't usual was my dad, he was using the dad tone on a person in red spandex. He looked up at me mid argument and his face lit up.
"Honey! How was school! Good? Ok great. How about you go hang out with Spinder-ling here and the adults are going to talk ok? Ok!"

Dad pushed this person dressed in red into me and then Happy escorted us to my room. Happy then pushed us into my room and then locked my door.
  "Soooooo, umm. Hi? Ummmmm. This is my room, and you're in my house. By the way? Who are you?"

I stepped back a bit. I really wanted to get out of these uncomfortable clothes. I dressed up nice for school but I really wanted to relax.
  "My name is Spiderman! Sorry for being in your room by the way. Mr Stark didn't says I'm to Young to talk with the others so I snuck in. He wasn't too happy about that "

this Spiderman looked down at his feet. His voice sounded very familiar. A very sweet sounding voice.
" This might sound weird. But do I know you? "

I took a step twords him. And he started to back up. He didn't say anything so I took another step. And another step. And then another step until he was against the wall and I was in his face.

"Who are you? Strange man...."

I reached up to his mask. I felt a strange connection to him. I knew him but I couldn't put my finger on a name. I started to pull up on the edge of his mask so my fingers were underneath it. Spiderman stopped breathing and leaned closer to me. I pealed up his mask so only his lips were showing. I ran my finger down the side of his jaw and I saw him lick his lips. Holy shit. What the fuck am I doing. My face burned bright red and I pushed away from Spiderman.

"Holy shit I'm so sorry! I don't know what that was."

What the hell was I doing. God I'm so weird. Spiderman just stood there like he wanted to say something but stayed quiet. Awkward silence filled the air. Just as I was about to apologise again dad opened the door. He looked up from him phone to see Spiderdude and me on opposite sides of my room.
"What the hell happened here? You two were supposed to bond or some sappy shit like that. Hey, Pete-"

the eyes on Spider-Mans mask went wide as he shook his hands and shushed Tony.
  "Not yet. I want to get to know her first...."

He looked a bit bashful and dropped his head so he was looking at the ground. Clearing his throat my dad swung his hands awkwardly.
"So you guys DID get a little friendly. Hey underoos. Hands of my damn daughter. You just met! Don't get too frisky."

Dad grabbed Spider-Mans arm and pulled him close.

"And off you're gonna make a move at least let me show you some"

he wispered. Spiderman let out a string of incomprehensible words and fumbled backwards with his head in his hands.
"I-i um. I'm gonna head back to my.... Place Mr. Stark. Nice to meet you Y/N!"

With that he pulled his mask back down, open my window and swung off. I ran over to the window and watched him go. My dad cleared his throat again as I heard his footsteps heading my way.
  "What exactly were you and P-underoos doing? Did he touch you? Here let me get a bear and show me where he touched you. I swear to God I'll kick his fucking ass."

I started to giggle a bit. Gosh he can pay so little attention to me unless I'm with a boy. I'm surprised he even let me in the same room with Spider-Man.
"I was me dad. I was curious to who he was. He sounded a bit familiar. I might have been the inappropriate one..."

Tony looked at me with relief. Then his face scrunched up in confusion.
"Wait? What did YOU do?"

I started to push him out of me room.
"Oh... Um... Nothing important dad. Everything's fine. Now you should probably go, it's a school night and I need my beauty sleep. Hehehe...."

As I shut my door I heard a muffled version of my dad voice complaining about how sneaky I was. Now, to think about what the fuck just happened. I went to my dresser and pulled out one of my dad's old t-shirts and changed into it. As I started getting ready to FINALLY sleep i started to wonder, who was Spiderman? He seemed familiar! But I don't think I know him very well. His voice sounded familiar but not familiar enough to put a name to the voice.

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