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Masen held Darcy's wrist tighter in his grasp, so she can never get away from him. Then Masen dragged Darcy to where his fancy Audi A5 is parked. Ignoring the way she's trashing around to get away from his tight grip. He doesn’t want to look like a kidnapper or something so he prays to the Lord that Darcy would quit trashing around.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?" Darcy tried to scream at him, obviously irritated by the blue-eyed boy's sudden forceful actions. Though her attempt wasn't that successful since her voice is always just soft, like velvet sounding through Masen's ears.

"Let go of me!" She tried to scream at Masen once more.

But Masen isn't having any of it; he's just focused on getting Darcy inside his car and to force her to tell him what made her cry. Because honestly, Masen is terrified of what might be the reason Darcy is crying. Because never has he ever seen her cry, and right now -- the tear stained cheeks and bloodshot eyes of the girl he's in love with -- is terrifying him. He's afraid that she's hurt. He's afraid that somebody had hurt her so much it resulted to her being in this state, crying.

Little did he know that somebody, indeed, had hurt Darcy.

Despite Darcy's complains and attempts to get away from him, he successfully got Darcy inside his car. Only after getting her to stop fighting with him and calm down... well, I little.

Finally, she gave up.


Masen mentally cheered for himself.

He closed the car door on Darcy's side -- the passenger's side, and jogged his way over to his side -- the driver's side. Making Darcy's doe-brown eyes follow his movements. Darcy likes his hair.

What an awful time to admire a stranger’s hair Darcy!

She scolded herself.

Then he locked the door. Causing Darcy's fright level to worsen. She has never been trapped inside a car with a boy, worse, a boy that she barely knows. And Darcy couldn't stop her hands from shaking and sweating due to her nervousness.

"Now you can't get away from me." Masen started as he catches his breath, he was panting because of his successful attempt to get Darcy inside his car. Finally, his breathing returned to normal, so he continued. "Tell me -- picture me as your friend, your best friend, even I know that you don't like me for what I did just now -- the truth, the real and honest truthful reason why there's tears falling from your eyes." Masen said sternly, looking right into Darcy's now dull brown eyes. He's trying to sound at least a little intimidating. He has to do this in order to get something out from Darcy's mouth. He hated to do this; he never wanted Darcy to be intimidated by him. But this situation is an exception. He needed to know why Darcy is crying. And he will.

Masen's car was filled with silence for a long moment. Silence with a mix of Darcy's loud breathing due to her cries not five minutes ago. But Masen will wait; he is more than willing to wait. And he will wait until Darcy is ready to tell him what's making her so sad, that tears even comes out of her eyes.

So he waited.

Darcy looked out at the window as she wiped away the wetness on her cheeks, not at all happy at the thought of being locked up inside a car with someone she barely know.

But she thought of what happened earlier, before she came out of the campus, running and crying. She slowly closed her eyes as she remembered the events from earlier, so clear in her mind. And with the image of her boyfriend -- now her former boyfriend -- kissing somebody else, and looking like he's enjoying himself, Darcy let the warm tears fall again. Not caring if Masen is there and seeing her in her most vulnerable state. She just wants to let everything out. Let all the pain out. She's not used to this kind of pain.

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