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It is true that patience will lead you to what's best. Waiting for something you really want is worthwhile. And Masen Tomlinson had proved that. He waited for almost three years to catch Darcy's attention. He waited and watched as Darcy's hands were held by some other guy. He waited with that pain in his chest. But his long wait was worth it.

He waited until the guy who attempted to keep Darcy to himself, failed.

And his patience gave him the chance to be friends with Darcy. He is more than glad that he waited. If he hadn't he wouldn't be what he is now. A happy and content man.

Everything was overwhelming. From Darcy meeting his family over dinner, to him meeting Darcy's family during an out-of-the-country vacation, that Darcy insisted he would come. And who is he to say no?

Darcy's mum treated him like he's her own son during that two-week vacation. While Darcy's dad was hesitant with him at first, but as time goes by, he had the chance to prove Harry that he's good for his daughter. And slowly, Harry became comfortable with Masen because he knew that Masen could really take good care of his only daughter, based from what he witnessed during the whole vacation.

By the time they came back, Darcy and Masen are so close to each other. So every time they're at school, they walk in the hallway together. Masen always invites Darcy to watch his football matches, which Darcy never fails to attend to. Everything is going great and both of them are happy to be in each other's company.

Currently, they're sitting on a grassy field, watching the sun set. Darcy being sat between Masen's legs as she lean her back on his torso. While Masen's right arm is wrapped around Darcy's waist and his left arm is being used as his body's support for them to stay on that position.

No words are exchanged. But they're thoughts are going crazy. 

Masen is thinking of how much he loves every single moment he had with Darcy. How much he never thought all his fantasies could come to life. And now that he's got the love of his life in his arms, he's never letting go. And as Masen closed his eyes, he let everything around the world move, but the two of them isn't going to move with the world, they're staying in their own little paradise forever.

He kissed the back of Darcy's head as he listened to her humming a song. He loved every single moment of today.

Darcy tilted her head so she could see Masen, and when she did that, their eyes locked. All the memories of the moments they shared flashed in her mind and she realized just how much she loved every single moment of it.

 And now, another great moment that's soon going to be a memory will be created as they both leaned in to let their lips brush.

  And as the world moved, their heartbeat stopped, as it joined together as one, and beat as one again, together, in sync.

And in that moment, a great love was shared and confessed. Not through words but thoughts and affection.

In this moment, they've made a promise to never let the other feel pain and struggle. If difficulties come, they would face it together and not let the other suffer from it alone. If she would get hurt, he's hurt. So anyone who would cause the pain better be afraid because these two lovers are going to make one strong relationship that would conquer anything given to them.

In the exact same moment, as their lips move against each other, Masen knew what his own definition of love is.

For him, love is a strong feeling; it can make you do things you never though you could do. Just like what he did, he waited and watched Darcy from afar; waiting for her to give him the love and affection he so badly needs, while in all honesty, he could have any girl wrapped around his finger any minute.

Love is when you would do anything, be anything for who you love.

To him, love will hurt you, but it is the only way to fix you.

Just like what he witnessed happened to Darcy. She got so broken because of her love for Nate, but Masen was there, to give Darcy the love that fixed her broken heart.

Love, to him, has so many definitions, now that he knows how it feels like to have it.

It means never giving up.

As Masen pulled away from their soft and passionate kiss, he leaned his forehead on Darcy's. Pecking her lips once more, while staring at her closed eyelids. He said something that he's been wanting to tell Darcy for so many years. He said this with so much emotion in his voice. These words being said for the first time to a girl that isn't his sister or mother. Those words meaning so much to him. These words being;

"I love you."

And as Darcy opened her eyes, she stared into Masen's ocean eyes. And said what Masen has been dying to hear from her. Words that made him want to stay on earth forever. Words that means so much to him. Those words being;

"I love you." 

In those shared moment, he knew all his definitions of love.

He will never be lost again.

But most importantly, to him, love is Darcy and him, together forever.


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