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Once at school, Masen parked his car in his own parking space. Yes, he has his own space for his car in his campus. Being a Tomlinson has its perks.

His family is rich, because his parents have professional jobs. His dad being a well known footballer, and his mum being a famous chef at a five star restaurant. He can have whatever he wants just by one swipe of a card. How lucky of him.

But the only thing he needs now is to have Darcy in his arms, and to have her say the three meaningful words to him. And of course, he needs her to mean it.

As he got out of his car, he saw a lovely lady wearing a nice outfit, carrying a bag on her shoulder while holding a binder, getting out of her father's car. Smiling. That girl being Darcy. So he decided to watch till Darcy's father drives away.

He do this all the time, watch Darcy kiss her dad's cheek and wave goodbye to him as she meet her friends at the gate of the campus and getting inside with them. Masen loved doing what he does, look after Darcy. Even without anyone else knowing. Only himself. He likes seeing Darcy everyday because she gives him happiness, even without trying.

When that happened, Masen jogged over to his friends and joined them as they went inside the campus -- earning admiring stares from girls they pass by -- and going straight to their usual spot in the hallway as they wait for their first class to start.

He sat on the floor near the lockers as he spoke with his friends. He finds it funny how they could talk about cars and girls at one moment then the next moment, its lunch they're talking about. I guess it’s true what they say, boys do have an interest span of a goldfish.

They were in the middle of a conversation about the new movie that they're going to see in the cinema this Saturday (see? another change of topic.) when he noticed a familiar pair of sneakers walk by at the same floor his eyes were glued at. He followed its steps while slowly looking up to see Darcy walking with one of her friends -- while talking -- headed to her locker.

So he stood up and grabbed his bag. After he slung it over his shoulder he turned to his friends, "I'm just going to go see something. Be back later lads!" He said as he started walking toward Darcy's direction. Not giving his friends a chance to ask him where he's going. Unintentionally ignoring the morning greetings from everyone he pass by, especially those girls who has a thing for him.

A lopsided smile made its way to his face as he tapped Darcy's shoulder. Making Darcy turn around and look at who just did the action.

Holding her books, she closed her locker then smiled politely at Masen, since she can't smile genuinely yet, because of the recent events, "Hey there Masen."

"Hello. How have you been?" Masen asked after greeting Darcy's friend with a polite smile.

That made Darcy chuckle, "Mr. Tommo, last time I remember you asked how I am, not an hour ago." The name she used made Masen laugh.

"Well it’s always nice to check every once in a while." Masen shrugged as he giggled. "So, are you going to answer my question or not?" He asked teasingly. Making Darcy giggle too.

"Alright, I have been okay." She started, taking notice of the fact that her friend just purposely left her and Masen alone. It’s what her friends do when she's with a guy that they think might be her boyfriend. But she has no interest on having a relationship yet, so she just rolled her eyes, "Happy now? How about you?" She asked, still smiling at Masen.

"You know, being 'okay' is not always good. And I'm fine." He stated, obviously taking notice on how Darcy isn't really fine. He knows that Darcy is just putting on a show to make everybody think that she's alright, when the real thing is that she's not. That smile, that smile isn't real at all. Masen knows it, why wouldn't he? He's been watching Darcy for three years. He's got almost everything about her memorized.

Darcy looked down, a little ashamed that somebody could look straight into her. "I should be creeped out by how you can read me, but I'm not. And I have no idea why." She confessed, she doesn't really understand how a boy could read her so easily. Last time she remembers, only her dad can do that. Now a boy she barely knows does too. Creepy. "I think it’s weird that I'm this honest to you." She confessed once again as she looked at Masen.

Masen is worried. More than worried. Not only because of Darcy's state, but also because he thinks that maybe Darcy would be scared of him. Because he's too forward. But he can't help it. He's been watching in the corner for years. Without any word from her, and now he's having a conversation with her and he's never going to do anything to lose that. He finally caught Darcy's attention and he's happy with that. He's not gonna mess it up.

"Don't be creeped out. I'm normal I swear." He laughed, trying to lift up the mood because it kills him to know that Darcy's eyes aren't that bright again because she's heartbroken. "Trust me; I don't live under your bed." He continued, laughing still. "I just really happen to know what you're going through and I know it’s not that easy to forget and be happy that fast." He said as he watched Darcy's features relax. Probably deciding to just trust Masen and listen to his comforting words. Because right now, his words is what she needs. "And hey, I can be your friend where you can just be honest with and tell me everything you feel. I will help yo-" He got cut off by the bell ringing, signaling that classes will be starting now.

Darcy hugged him quickly, "I'll see you later after class, under your tree." She said running to her first class.

He felt tingly inside when Darcy hugged him. He felt happy once again. And he smiled at the fact that Darcy called his usual spot under that oak tree -- Your Tree.

Masen is definitely not going to deny her offer. He's going to be under that tree after class. And he's going to give Darcy more of his words. Maybe his words isn't just going to help Darcy, it will help Masen too, to capture Darcy's heart. That way, it would be easier for him to fix it -- her broken heart.

He thought of what could happen later as he made his way in his first class. He was late, but he could care less, nothing else matters right now than the fact that he and Darcy are now friends.

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