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"Being wrong is okay. At least you get to learn from your mistake and never do it again. You never know, maybe next time you'll meet your noble prince and you can live happily with him." Masen told Darcy, meaning every word. Trying oh so hardly to make Darcy think that what happened to her is just part of her life and she was bound to feel heart break anyway. Everyone experiences heartbreak.

And he's just hoping that the noble prince that he's talking about could be him. It could be him. He could be a noble prince for Darcy. He'd love that. And in that way, he can be assured that Darcy would be safe and never to be hurt again. He doesn't want Darcy to go through this again.

Darcy looked over at the feathery haired boy again and said, "Yeah, maybe next time." She manages to force a little smile on her lips.

Darcy's hope made Masen smile a little. He feels so proud and happy with himself knowing that Darcy is a little bit okay now, because of his words. "I think it’s best if I take you home. Are your parents going to know about this?" He asked softly, trying to be careful not to hit a nerve. He knows that what happened earlier would be a sensitive subject for Darcy.

The heartbroken lady nodded slowly, "Yeah, I'm going to tell them tonight, during dinner. Dad won't like it if I keep it from him." She said, being truthful. She really doesn't want to keep this a secret from her dad. Because her dad is her best friend and he just got to know. She's really close to her parents and her older brother, Gabe.

And with that being said, Masen asked Darcy her address -- even though he already know where she lives, just not to sound creepy -- and started driving to her house.

They went their separate ways with a goodbye and a friendly hug, Darcy thanked Masen for giving her his time to listen to her issues. Masen just smiled at her and told her that she could just call him -- since they exchanged numbers -- or Darcy could just go over to Masen under that oak tree anytime.

And at dinner time, Darcy did told her parents about the news. Her dad not liking it very much because his princess is experiencing her first heartbreak. Gabe didn't like the news too, since Nate and he have been friends during the time that Darcy had been inviting Nate over to their house. She also told them about her new found friend, Masen. She told them how nice he is and that he took her home. Her dad told her to be careful because Masen could be just like Nate, but Darcy just told him that their just good friends. Nothing more.

And that same night, Darcy went to bed feeling a little better, since her family comforted her, plus Masen. She fell asleep after replying to a message from Masen. Telling him good night and thanking him.

On the other hand, Masen is having trouble sleeping because of what happened earlier. He couldn't stop thinking of the way his ocean blue eyes would meet Darcy's doe-brown eyes. What he felt is nothing compared to how he imagined it would be. He felt like a kid at Christmas while opening his present from his mum and dad. He now knows that what people say about butterflies erupting inside your tummy is real, because he felt it himself. Sweaty palms also occur when you're at one place with who you love. His mind was going crazy the whole time. He wanted to run around Time Square, New York proclaiming his love for Darcy.

Despite his thoughts of punching Nate square in his precocious face for causing Darcy so much pain in her heart, he still felt a little better because Darcy's presence was stopping him from doing just that. But he swore to God that if he gets the chance, he would definitely do that. Just one punch, to let him know how stupid he is for doing that to Darcy.

He knows how ridiculous his thoughts are, but he could care less. Even though Darcy's heartbreak is the reason why they actually became acquaintances today, this day is still the best day of his life, yet.

So he texted Darcy saying;

I'm hoping you're alright. Have a good night, Darcy. :) .Xx

- Masen Tommo

Once he finally found the right words to say -- after so much deleting and typing again -- he finally drifted off to unconsciousness with a wonderful dream waiting for him.

Masen woke up the next day in a good mood. He checked his phone and saw a message from Darcy. He opened it and noticed that it was from last night. The message saying;

I am. Thank you for your concern, I appreciate it. Have a good night Masen. :)

Masen almost squealed like a high school girl, but he stopped himself. He just grinned so wide his jaw almost locked. Now he looks like a Cheshire Cat.

He decided to message Darcy again before he starts preparing for school.

Good day to you Ms. Styles. I don't expect to see you at school today, but I'm hoping you're good. :) .Xx

- M

After another struggle to find the right words to say, he finally decided to settle with those words. Though he thinks it’s a bit cheesy.

He never forgets to put his name or initials on his every text.

After that, he finally stood up and decided to go and shower. After minutes of getting ready, he was putting on his shoes for the day when he heard his phone beep. So he hurriedly searched for it under his pillows and blanket. Finally, when he saw it, the name of the person the massage came from had put a smile on his face.

From: Darcy Styles <3

I am going. I'm not sick or anything, so why skip class? I do want to know why you're being so proper.

Darcy's message made him smile. Another thing about Darcy, she never skips class, only when she has a really important reason. And the last part of the text made him chuckle. He reread his last message to her and he indeed sounded proper and formal. He slapped his own forehead for doing that. Cursing himself under his breath.

So he proceeded to finishing putting his shoes on as he composed his reply to Darcy.

I'm looking forward to seeing you around the campus then. And about the being proper thing, I tend to do that often.

- M.T.

He took his bag and slung it over his shoulder, as he pressed send. As he was hurriedly making his way to the front door, he heard his mum call for him, telling him to eat breakfast before leaving for school. Of course, he followed his mum's orders and ate with his mum, dad and sister. After their goodbyes he drove to school.

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