Hold On

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The next morning Pharma walked into Knock Out's room where the red medic was still heavily drugged and nicely sedated.

Knock Out was now trying to regain consciousness. He had managed to open his optics but it was really hard to keep them that way. And he could see Pharma standing next to his berth but everything was fuzzy out of focus.

Pharma saw that Knock Out was trying to wake up because his optics were half open and he was trying to move his digits because they were twitching slightly and the red medic was trying to speak but the only sounds he could get out was. "ah ah!"

"Still hanging on huh?" Pharma mocked. "That's good your a fighter I'll give you that." Knock Out to spite being so heavily medicated and having trouble keeping his optics open managed to glare at him.

"But this is a fight you can't win I'm afraid." Pharma said as he picked up a syringe from a tray of them he'd brought in. "You see the more you struggle the harder it makes this for me." "So since you continue to cling to life I'll just have to relax your grip."

"Don't worry Knock Out you won't feel a thing I'm just going to give you something to make you sleep and then after six or seven shots of it you'll just drift away nice and sweet." Pharma hissed in Knock Out's audio receptor as he gave him the shot.

Then Knock Out's optics went offline as he was forced back into unconsciousness.

"It's been fun doctor but I'm afraid even the best medic losses a patient sometimes." Pharma said as he injected Knock Out with another dose. Then filled another needle. "You fought bravely Knock Out but in the end to spite my best effort I just couldn't save you." He mocked.

Then Knock Out began to shake uncontrollably as his whole body went into shock from the massive overdose he was being given. "Now just relax and let it all go." Pharma told Knock Out as he held him down while he gave him another shot as his frame continued to jerk. "Goodbye Knock Out."

"What are you doing?!" Yelled a voice that sounded both worried and angry.

Pharma turned to see Starscream standing at the door and he looked mad. After being told of Knock Out's condition Starscream had come there to see him and ended up getting there just in time to hear what Pharma said and see him attempting to murder Knock Out.

"Get away from him!" Yelled Starscream as he tackled Pharma and the two were now struggling with each other. Starscream trying to get Pharma away from Knock Out while Pharma was trying to get the seeker off him.

Pharma tried to injected Starscream with the syringe he'd been about to use on Knock Out. But the seeker grabbed him by the wrists and was holding the hand with the syringe in it back trying desperately to avoid being drugged.

Pharma was trying to hold Starscream still with one hand and attempting to jab the needle into Starscream's neck with the other having the seeker backed against the wall. But Starscream used his legs to kick Pharma away from him.

Pharma ended up falling to the floor and pulling Starscream with him. Then managed to get Starscream on to his back and was about to give him the injection.

When suddenly Ratchet and Bumblebee appeared at the door.

"What on Cybertron is going on in here?" Asked Bumblebee. Who then noticed Pharma setting on Starscream who he had pinned on the floor and was still holding the syringe he'd been trying to injected the seeker with. And Knock Out on the berth still shaking uncontrollably.

"By the Allspark!" Said Ratchet who rushed to Knock Out's side trying desperately to save him. The red medic's whole system had gone into shock from the overdose his body was in fits and his optics kept rolling to the back of his helm.

Pharma took the chance to punch Starscream hard across the helm then ran out the door and took off down the hall. Bumblebee quickly took of after him and Starscream jumped back to his feet and ran to help Bumblebee capture Pharma after quickly coming back to himself recovering from the punch he just received.

Bumblebee and Starscream both ran down the hall after Pharma but unfortunately he managed to slip away somehow. So they both ran back to Knock Out's room worried about the Austin Martin and hoping Ratchet could save him.

Ratchet had already call Red Alert and First Aid to help treat Knock Out hoping the three of them could save him. They quickly rushed him to the operating room.

While Red Alert and First Aid got to work trying to keep Knock Out online. Ratchet used a chronicle psychic patch to try to find and fix any damage the drugs might have caused to his processor.

Once jacked in Ratchet looked around now inside Knock Out's mind. He expected to see Knock Out's memories but instead all he saw was pitch blackness and saw Knock Out laying on the ground unmoving and he saw a familiar blue mech kneeling down next to him who ran off when he saw Ratchet.

"Odd?" Thought Ratchet as he rush to where Knock Out was lying. "Knock Out!" "Knock Out can you hear me?" He asked frantically as he kneeled down next to where the red mech was laying.

Knock Out's frame was starting to lose it's color and his optics were closed this wasn't good it mint Knock Out was just barely clinging to life. "Knock Out please respond!" Ratchet almost begged.

"Rr-Ratchet." Knock Out moaned softly the only part of him moving was his mouth.

"Yes it's Ratchet I'm using the patch to try to fix you processor while Red Alert and First Aid are working to save your body." Ratchet told him. "Knock Out I need you to tell me how your feeling right now."

"I feel cold." Knock Out told him. This wasn't good. "And everything's starting to fade and feels like it's all really far away." "Ratchet am I dying?" Knock Out asked him sounding very tired in a weak voice that Ratchet wasn't used to hearing from Knock Out.

"Not if we can help it." Ratchet told him. "Knock Out you have to keep fighting OK don't give up you have to keep trying don't let yourself go offline." Ratchet ordered him.

"I'll try." Knock Out replied weakly.

"I want you to do more then try Knock Out you have to beat this!" Ratchet yelled at him. "You've survived worse." "You survived being with the Decepticons!" "Starscream told me you even survived a terrorcon apocalypse aboard the Nemesis!" "You survived the war when Breakdown didn't you owe it to him you have to live for Breakdown Knock Out that's what he'd want!"

"You have to survive this for Breakdown!" Ratchet screamed at Knock Out hoping to use his dead partner to motivate him to pull through. "You have to hold on for him."

Then suddenly Ratchet was jerked out of Knock Out's processor. "What happened?" Asked Ratchet angry to have been ripped out of Knock Out's head before he was done helping him.

"Looks like the patch blew a fuse." First Aid told him as he and Red Alert continued to try to keep Knock Out alive.

Ratchet knew he couldn't go back in Knock Out's processor so started helping First Aid and Red Alert while hoping he had done enough in Knock Out's head to help him.

To Be Continued.

Another cliffhanger for you guys.

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