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Bumblebee, Ratchet, First Aid, Red Alert and Knock Out were all desperately trying to think of where Pharma might be or where he might have buried Starscream knowing the seeker probably didn't have much time.

They needed to get Pharma to tell them where Starscream was before it was too late but they'd have to find the medic first. Whitch was easier said then done.

They were all talking about where Pharma might be when Flatline came in and told them he'd heard some bots talking about how they'd heard a blast of some kind come from a cave near Kaon.

"We have to go check it out it could be Starscream." Said Bumblebee. "Or Pharma who could tell us where Scream is."

So they all went to the cave and once there they found a hole in the back that looked like the rocks had been blasted by something from below that caused most of them to fall in.

"Looks like there was a cave in." Bumblebee told the others.

"No that means if Starscream's in here he's probably under those rocks somewhere." Said Knock Out who sounded worried.

"We need to look carefully because if Starscream is buried under there he might be easy to miss." Bumblebee explained. "And it still looks like this place is really unstable and the rest of the cave could come down anytime."

They all looked down to the bottom of the hole while shining their headlights to see if they could spot any sign of their friend.

"Over there!" Cried Knock Out who pointed to where a servo was sticking out from under the rubble. "I'm gonna go try to dig him out."

"Be careful Knock Out." Ratchet told him.

"Will do." The red medic replied as he made his way to where Starscream was buried.

Upon reaching the spot where the seeker was pinned Knock Out started using his drill to get through the rocks that were on top of Starscream as the others continued to shine their head lights so he could see.

Knock Out managed to get the rocks away from where Starscream's helm was and saw that he had a big dent from where one of the rocks had hit his helm and energon was dripping down the side of it.

"Starscream it's Knock Out can you hear me?" Knock Out said trying to get a response from the injured seeker but didn't get one.

Knock Out continued to move pieces of rubble off his friend and drill through the rocks that were to big to move. As he dug Starscream out he noticed how serious some of the damage was.

Starscream was covered in dents and scratches and also had cracks all over his frame. And his legs had been completely crushed and would need to be rebuilt. And one of his servos was bent out of shape.

And his claws were broken and had shards of metal and rock in them from when Starscream had tried to dig through the wall earlier and Knock Out noticed the claw marks on the wall where Starscream had been digging.

And he saw that Starscream's chest had cracks that were disturbingly close to his spark chamber if the rocks had hit even an inch closer to it the seeker would have been kill instantly.

Knock Out also saw that where Pharma had welded the seeker's back after he'd taken his wings had been ripped open again. And was now leaking a large amount of energon.

"Starscream I'm so sorry we didn't find you sooner." Knock Out told the injured seeker. This time he saw Starscream's optics twitch a little confirming he was still alive. But in bad shape because that was the only movement Knock Out saw from him. "Pharma's going to pay for this." Knock Out promised his injured friend.

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