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Ratchet, First Aid and Red Alert continued to work hard doing everything they could to save Knock Out. While Bumblebee and Starscream waited outside the operating room worried about their friend.

"I feel terrible we should have figured out what Pharma was doing to him." Bumblebee said feeling very angry with himself for not helping Knock Out or realizing what was going on.

"Pharma made it clear he hated Decepticons and most of the victims were Cons and he didn't like Knock Out and suddenly wanted to be his medic I should have put it together." Bumblebee continued. "Now Knock Out might die because we couldn't make the connection."

"Don't worry Knock Out's a survivor that's something me and him have in common he's going to pull through this." Starscream told him. "And he wouldn't want you beating yourself up over this."

"Thanks." Bumblebee told him seeing that the seeker was trying to reassure him.

Then Ratchet suddenly came out.

"How is he?" Bumblebee and Starscream both asked at once.

"It was really touch and go for awhile and we came very close to losing him but he stayed strong and Knock Out is going to be fine he's resting right now but you can see him as soon as he wakes up." Ratchet explained and Bumblebee and Starscream were relieved having now confirmed that Knock Out was going to live and would recover and be back to normal in a few days.

A few hours later after Knock Out was awake they all went in to visit with him.

"I'm so sorry we didn't find out what Pharma was doing to you sooner." Bumblebee apologized to Knock Out. "We should have known something was up when a bot who hated you suddenly wanted to treat you I'm sorry we let that monster near you." "You were almost kill and it was our fault."

"No don't blame yourself it wasn't you it was Pharma there was no way you guys could have known what he was doing to me." Knock Out told them. "I thought he was just a jerk myself and would have never guessed he was a full blown psychopath."

"Yeah that mech is beyond insane." Added Starscream.

"I can confirm that." Said Rung who just walked in. "I left my video camera that I sometimes use to record my sessions in the room Pharma had Knock Out in and it was still recording.

"Oh great so now there's a video of my near death experience at the hands of Pharma." Knock Out groaned. "At lest we have proof for when we catch him but I still don't think the Counsel will do anything about it because there in on it."

Then Knock Out explained to them all what he'd learned and why Pharma had tried to kill him.

"So the Counsel actually had Pharma kill patients to get them parts even if we can get them to convict Pharma we can't prove the Counsel was in on it and they'll probably just find another medic to do the something." Said Ratchet.

"Then what do we do?" Asked Starscream.

"I don't know." Bumblebee answered him.

"But changing the subject I saw something else on the video something interesting that defies all logic." Rung told them.

"What was it?" Asked Knock Out.

"It happened when Pharma had Sunder try to kill you." Rung said to Knock Out.

"To be honest Pharma had me so full of dope I don't remember a lot of what happened most of it's a complete blank." Knock Out explained.

"I'll show you the footage and see what you make of it?" Said Rung. Who then played the footage for them.

They watched it and saw Sunder attempt to kill Knock Out and Pharma standing next to him but then they saw something else that it was clear Sunder and Pharma didn't see.

They saw the image of a mech appear and punch Sunder right in the helm as he was attempting to kill Knock Out saving the red medic's life.

The mech who punch Sunder was transparent and apparently only showed up on the camera.

"Looks like you were rescued by a ghost Knock Out." Rung told him.

"Breakdown!" Knock Out said recognizing the mech on the camera.

"So Breakdown's ghost stopped Sunder from scrapping Knock Out." Starscream said in shock.

"I don't know what to think?" Knock Out told them. "I do remember hearing Breakdown I thought it was a dream but he kept telling me to keep fighting and that it wasn't my time to became one with the Allspark yet."

"When I used the patch on you I thought I saw Breakdown kneeling beside you when I first got there." Ratchet explained.

"Oh speaking of that thank you for what you said back there." Knock Out told Ratchet.

"Anytime." Ratchet said to him. "And your welcome."

Then they all said goodnight and left to let Knock Out get some rest.

"Guess you still have my back buddy." Knock Out said hoping Breakdown could hear him. "Thanks for the save." Then he closed his optics to recharge.

Later Bumblebee, Starscream, Red Alert, First Aid and Ratchet were trying to think of what to do about Pharma and the Counsel.

"So any plans to track down Pharma?" Asked Bumblebee.

"I don't even know where to start looking." Said Ratchet. "But we have to catch him so he can't hurt anyone else."

"And I'm not about to let Pharma get away with almost killing Knock Out." Starscream told them. And they could tell the seeker wanted to make Pharma pay for hurting his friend.

"I sure am thirsty." Said First Aid.

"I could actually go for some oil right now." Red Alert agreed.

"I'll go on an oil run to Maccadam's and get us some drinks." Starscream offered. Then everyone told him what they wanted and he went to get their orders.

Starscream was on his way to Maccadam's when he passed an ally and thought he heard something that sounded like banging.

"Anyone there?" Starscream asked but got no answer so he started to walk away but heard it again.

"OK?" Starscream asked again "Is this some kind of joke?" Still no answer. But the banging started again.

"Why don't you answer me?" Starscream huffed starting to get annoyed. "Or are you hurt and banging for help because you can't answer me?"

Now that he thought of this possibility Starscream couldn't ignore it what if some bot was injured and dying and needed him to help them. Or then again it could just be a Turborat wouldn't that be funny. It would give him an amusing story to tell the others when he got back to the hospital.

But he wasn't going to dismiss the first thought he had in case it was an injured cybertronian. So he walked to the back of the ally but nothing was there.

Suddenly Starscream felt someone grab him from behind and a sharp poke in the back of his neck now terrified Starscream tried desperately to break free from his attacker. But was being held firmly. And his optics suddenly started to feel heavy. And he was having trouble staying awake for some reason.

"Easy now just let the tranquilizer do it's job." A voice whispered to Starscream that he recognized as Pharma's.

"You drugged me!" Starscream managed to choke out as he could feel himself fading from consciousness. But was still fighting to flee.

"Shhh!" "Don't fight it just sleep." Pharma whispered to the seeker again.

Starscream struggled for a few more minutes before his optics rolled shut and his body fell limp.

"There that's a good mech." Pharma hissed at Starscream. Then dragged the now unconscious seeker off into the night.

To Be Continued.

Hope your all enjoying the story so far. Feel free to send feedback.

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