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Starscream woke up in the middle of the night and found he was completely paralyzed and saw Pharma was standing over his berth tampering with his IV.

Starscream was desperately trying to cry out for help but whatever Pharma had put in his IV was keeping him quiet and unable to move.

Starscream was terrified. How did Pharma even get in and where were his friends? Pharma noticed the frightened look in the seeker's optics.

"Don't worry I'm not going to kill you here I'm going to take you out to the middle of nowhere to finish you." Pharma hissed at the panicked seeker. "Oh and I have something to show you." He added.

Then Pharma moved Starscream so he was looking down at the floor. And what he saw made his spark sink. He was now looking at Knock Out who was laying face down on the floor in a pool of his own energon.

"He tried to fight me off but I was just to much for him." Pharma gloated. "Well now he can join that friend of his in the Allspark."

Then Pharma started moving Starscream to a wheelchair that was designed for seekers poor Starscream still couldn't move do to whatever was in his IV. And was helpless to fight back as Pharma started to wheel him out of the room.

Suddenly Knock Out who it turned out was still alive grabbed hold of one of Pharma's legs.

"You just won't quite will you!" Pharma said to the badly injured medic who he then kicked across the helm then turned over so the Austin Martin was now laying on his back.

"Goodbye Knock Out!" Hissed Pharma as he used his arm canon to shoot Knock Out in the spark chamber at close range.

"No!" Starscream managed to choke out as coolant tears rolled down his face as he was forced to watch Pharma kill his best friend.

Knock Out's optics stopped glowing and his body turned from it's normal red to a burnt gray color as his spark went out and he died.

"Sorry I had to Knock Out your friend's spark." Pharma mocked coldly.

Never had Starscream wanted so much to kill someone. "Poor Knock Out!" he thought. Now Starscream just wanted to end Pharma.

But he still couldn't move and was now being wheeled down the hall and was horrified to see Ratchet, Red Alert and First Aid all laying around in the hallway dead just like Knock Out was.

Starscream had never felt so alone and helpless.

Just then Pharma was tackled by Bumblebee. "You monster you killed all of them!" Bumblebee yelled at Pharma as they continued to fight. Starscream wanted to help Bumblebee end that psycho but still couldn't move.

Then he saw Pharma shoot Bumblebee through the spark chamber and could only watch helplessly as the yellow and black Autobot was shot dead.

"No!" Starscream cried the drugs the IV had been giving him had somehow worn off but what did it matter all his friends were dead. He was now completely alone and had no will left to fight.

"Oh I'm sorry did I kill all your friends?" Pharma mocked the seeker. "Now I'll let you join them!"

Then Pharma got ready to shoot Starscream execution style in the helm. And Starscream screamed as the blast hit him.

Starscream suddenly jerked himself awake luckily it had all just been a nightmare. He saw that Knock Out, Ratchet, Bumblebee, First Aid and Red Alert were all in his hospital room because they all heard him screaming in his sleep.

"Starscream are you OK?" Asked Bumblebee.

"You were yelling in your sleep." Said Knock Out.

"I'm fine now that I know all of you are OK." Starscream explained. "I dreamt Pharma killed all of you."

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