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Starscream took off running down the tunnel and hit Pharma as he past the other seeker getting his attention. Starscream was planning to lead Pharma down one of the tunnels and away from Knock Out.

Pharma took off after Starscream. As both seekers raced down one of the tunnels.

Suddenly Starscream was grabbed by Pharma and slammed into the wall. But he quickly pushed the other seeker away from him then started to run. But Pharma grabbed Starscream and was trying to inject him with the something he'd given Knock Out.

Luckily the seeker managed to break free and kicked the syringe into a hole where Pharma couldn't reach it.

"Guess I'll have to kill you the old fashion way?" Pharma hissed at Starscream as they continued to struggle.

"I won't let you hurt my friends!" Starscream yelled at him. "I'll do whatever it takes to stop you even if it means I have to go with you!"

"Well you will be offlining today Starscream but I'm going to live through this and kill all your friends once I'm done with you." "Starting with Knock Out then Bumblebee and I'll make sure they all suffer." Pharma told the seeker coldly as he stabbed his claws into Starscream's midsection as the seeker let out a cry of pain.

And now had Starscream pinned against the wall and was pounding him into it by punching him over and over again.

Starscream was now in a great deal of pain because Pharma was punching him in the spot where he had just stabbed him. And energon was now spilling out of the wound as well as his mouth. And Pharma wasn't letting up.

At this rate he was going to kill him. Starscream had to get this to stop if he was going to survive this. Thinking fast he used his claws to scratch Pharma right in the optics blinding him.

"What did you do to my optics?" Roared Pharma now angry. "What did you do?!"

Then Starscream managed to kick Pharma off him and was now trying to limp away still in a huge amount of pain from being stabbed and beaten. But trying to take advantage of the fact that Pharma couldn't see.

But Pharma wasn't done yet and was trying to find Starscream now acting even more unhinged. He managed to grab Starscream and the two were now struggling again and in a panic Starscream accidentally fired his missiles.

And the roof of the cave started falling around them. Pharma didn't even seem to care all he was focused on was trying to kill Starscream.

Starscream was just trying desperately to escape. But Pharma had him by the neck and was slamming him into the ground as rocks continued to fall around them.

Starscream managed to push Pharma off him and jumped to his feet trying to run for it. But the rocks were still crashing down at him. One just missed him and he had to roll to avoid another. And ended up hitting his helm on one and knocking himself out.

Luckily the cave in stopped but unfortunately Pharma suddenly got his vision back and saw Starscream laying there unconscious. And walked over to finish the seeker.

But suddenly felt a puch to the back of his helm and swung back and hit Knock Out who had regained consciousness and was now fighting him.

"Knock Out so nice of you to join the party." Pharma hissed at him. Then noticed Knock Out was moving slower then usual because he still hadn't fully recovered from being drugged.

Pharma started using this to his advantage but Knock Out was somehow still managing to hold his own.

Then the cave started falling in again and Pharma was trapped where some of the rocks were falling fast.

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