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Bumblebee and Ratchet got to the basement only to find they were to late and Knock Out was nowhere to be found. Pharma had taken the red medic prisoner.

They quickly had everyone search the building. Hoping to catch them before Pharma could harm the red sports car.

Then Bumblebee went and checked all the security cameras and saw a bot push a gurney out of the building and thought he noticed something then upon freezing the footage and zooming in he saw Knock Out's servo hanging off the side.

"We have a problem Pharma got him out of the building." Bumblebee told the others over his com-link.

"We have to find out where they went." Said First Aid.

"There's another problem." Ratchet informed them all. "Starscream's not in his room."

"What?" Asked Red Alert. "How did Pharma get Starscream?"

"He didn't it looks like Starscream left on his own." Ratchet explained.

"He probably went after Pharma to get Knock Out." Bumblebee told them. "We have to find where Pharma took Knock Out because his spark may be on the line." "And we also have to find Starscream before he does something stupid and gets himself hurt again or killed."

Meanwhile Starscream was trying to figure out where Pharma had taken Knock Out. He wanted to stop Pharma before he could hurt or kill his best friend.

Knock Out had been like his brother during the war and was one of his only friends and Starscream didn't want any harm to come to the red medic.

The seeker just hoped he'd find them in time and that he wouldn't be to late to save Knock Out.

Then it dawned on Starscream that Pharma would probably hide in a place no one would expect. Pharma was a seeker like he was and the last place anyone would look for a seeker was underground.

Seekers didn't like being below ground because they couldn't fly down there and that put them at a disadvantage because seekers liked to relay on flight because that's what made them different from other cybertronians and not being able to use that would put them out of their comfort zone pretty fast.

Because a jet mode was virtually useless underground.

Starscream know that most of the time seekers could fair OK underground as long as they had a way out. The reason he had freaked out when he was trapped in the cave was because there was no exit.

Pharma had known how that would affect him because as a seeker himself he would be affected the same way in that situation. That psychopath knew how to make a bot suffer which is what had Starscream worried there was no telling what he might do to Knock Out.

So Starscream hurried to the location of the nearest cave and unfortunately this was a deep one. Starscream hated the idea of going underground again. But he knew that since Pharma had Knock Out every moment counted.

But he decided to use his head and sent a transmission to the others explaining everything and telling them his whereabouts before he went in the cave where there was no signal.

"Well no turning back now." He told himself as he carefully walked to the back of the cave trying not to be detected hoping to keep the element of surprise and knowing Pharma might do something to hurt Knock Out just to get at Starscream if he saw him coming. The seeker wouldn't put that passed him.

Then Starscream came to a spot where the cave broke off into several tunnels he had to figure out which one to take.

So he decided to take the one in the middle he had a good feeling about that one. "It's always the middle." He told himself as he started down the tunnel.

But a few seconds later he screamed and ran back. Then looked behind him and stopped satisfied that he wasn't being followed.

"It's not always the middle!" He growled in disgust. "By the All spark why did it have to be scraplets?"

Then he noticed some footprints on the ground leading down one of the tunnels on the far right.

"Well of course there were tracks why didn't I see those before I was almost devoured by scraplets?" Starscream said as he face palmed. "Knock Out better appreciate this."

Then Starscream walked down the tunnel ready to fight if he ran into Pharma.

Then he noticed there were more footprints leading back the way he was coming from. Starscream continued walking forward till he reached the end of the cave. Then he spotted something.

"Knock Out!" He cried as he ran to his friend who was just laying there. And then noticed Knock Out's hands were tied behind his back and his legs were tied together as well.

Starscream quickly untied him. "Knock Out wake up time to go!" Starscream told his friend but got no response.

"Come on Doctor wakey wakey!" Starscream yelled and shook him this time. But Knock Out still didn't show any sign of waking.

Starscream could tell something was wrong with the Austin Martin so he ran a diagnostic scan and saw that he'd been drugged.

But Starscream was worried because Knock Out was so out of it right now the seeker didn't know if he was out from being sedated or if he was having some kind of bad reaction to whatever Pharma gave him.

What if Pharma had ended up making him sick by giving him to big a dose and had accidentally poisoned the cherry colored mech.

"Don't worry I'm taking you back to the hospital for help." Starscream told his unconscious friend.

Then Starscream suddenly head someone coming and knew Pharma was back so he quickly picked up Knock Out and started carrying him out not wanting to leave him there with that psycho.

Unfortunately Pharma was at the exit so Starscream would have to find another way out. So he darted down one of the tunnels not the one with the scraplets but he didn't know what this one would lead to.

Pharma had noticed Knock Out wasn't where he'd left him and heard Starscream's footsteps down the tunnel so he did something Starscream never thought he'd do and blasted the rocks above the entrance of the cave trapping all three of them inside.

Pharma really had gone off the deep end. That was something no seeker in their right mind would ever do.

Then Starscream heard Pharma coming down the tunnel he and Knock Out were in. Starscream laid the unconscious medic down against a wall of the tunnel propped up in a sitting position.

"I'll be back and if not then nice knowing you buddy." Starscream said before running off to face Pharma by himself.

To Be Continued.

Another chapter done. Hope you guys liked it.

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