10. Who are you?

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hey ya'll. This is for the Harry Potter fans reading this story. Most specifically, marauder fans. I'm thinking about writing a story about their years at Hogwarts. There are not many of those out there. Tell me if you're interested.

Now on with this story


Astrid POV

Five years. Five long years trying to forget the boy that could have been alive if I had just found him sooner. Five years of training to protect the ones that I can still save.

Even after all this time. They told me to forget him, to get on with my life. Don't get me wrong, I tried to. But I just can't do it. I can't forget that lopsided grin, and those sarcastic remarks...

After the chief defeated the dragon's nest the raids had stopped. We still train the kids though. You never know when the dragons atack again. The only problem was that it was becoming harder to find dragons to train with. That's why i'm here, on a boat, along with; Fishlegs, the twins, Gobber and Snotface. Two times a year a group of vikings would be send to find new dragons for the killing arena. This time it was us.

we had been sailing from island to island but no succes. I began to wonder when we would find any dragons, if we would find any dragons. I didn't take much interest when Gobber shouted "land ahead!". I only looked up at his next words. "And dragons!". I quickly ran towards the place where I had put my axe and went to Gobber. "Where are those dragons?" "I saw a few in that weird village. Those people probably will need help or there already dead." Gobber answered me. "Let's go help them then." I said impationly. If those people needed help I would give it to them. I will not sit here and do nothing. Gobber walked towards stirring blade and we sailed towards the island. When I looked up to the skies I thought that I saw a glimpse of black dissapear into the forest, but that must have been my imagination.

When we finally arived at the island. "Where are the dragons?" Snotlout asked to no one in paticulary. "They probably ran away from your smell." Tuffnut said to his sister. "How do you know they didn't ran away from you?" Ruffnut shot back. "that's because I actually bathed a month ago, and you two months ago." " No, I washed myself three month ago." I glared at the twins. "Will you two ever shut up." They stopped there bickering and looked at me if I were crazy. I rolled my eyes, should have know. The twins resumed ther bickering.

Suddely we heard a screach we all knew far to well. "NIGHT FURY!! Get down!" Snotlout screamed. I didn't know he could talk sense, I though to myself. We all dropped to the floor and heard a thump not so many feet away. I cautiouly looked up and saw a black dragon ten feet away from us. That dragon killed hiccup, I thought. Not really thinking over my actions I jumped up and ran towards the dragon with my axe ready to strike. Just when I was about to chop of his head a sword blocked my axe. I looked to my right and saw a cloaked figure standing next to me, his sword stopping my axe from reaching it's destination. "Do.. not hurt... my dragon." came from under the hood. It sounded like a man, not far past his twenties and why did he speak so slow. One would began to think he hadn't spoken in a long time.

When the words finally came to me my eyes widend. His dragon? Whas this man crazy? Dragon's killed you, you can't keep then as pets. "Your dragon?" I asked him "You can't keep a dragon as a pet." "Toothless... is not.. my.. pet. He's.. my.. friend." I looked at him. His friend? He had the ofspring of lightning and death as a FRIEND? Who is this guy?

While those questions and many more swarmed inside my head the mysterious man walked towards the dragon and let out a serie of growls and grunts. " Who are you?" Fishlegs asked. Unnoticed by me that had walked to my side. The cloaked man looked at us again. "I didn't... expect.. you.. to know....me.. any.. more." He said. Know him, I though, where would we know him of? The man walked towards us and took of his hood.

I gasped. From under that hood a handsome man appeared. He had messy brown hair and forest green eyes. He looked as if he was around our age. I felt like I should remember him but I just couldn't. "Who are you?" I asked this time. The man, or boy actually, cuckled. "Seeing... that I... changed... so ...much. I will... clear.. your minds... a.. bit. Most... people... call me... Nightsmith." Wait, a minute. Johann said the maker of my axe was called something like that al those years ago. "But... in the... past,.. people called me.... Hiccup."


What do you think? Any good?

I currendly don't have many ideas to continue the story so I will be away for a while. Don't worry, I will finish this story. So if you have any ideas... As for now,

~🦇dragon out~

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