11. But you look so hot!?

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Notes are at the end of this chapter 


Hiccup POV

There, I said it. I told them my name. Now they are just going to shut me out again and I will have to find a new island and-.


I was brought out of my thoughts by Fishlegs who, for once, didn't understand what was going on. I looked at the people in front of me. They all looked like they didn't believe me. Sure, I have changed a bit, but not that much. I didn't understand. Did they have such a bad memory that they forgot how I looked. Or forget my name. The last thing, I could understand. Who would want to remember me? Hiccup the useless. Runt of the Hairy Hoolegan tribe. The boy who couldn't swing an axe, lift a hammer and even trowing a bola didn't go very well. Again he was rudely interupted from my train on thoughs, but this time it was Snotlout who spoke.

"You can't be Hiccup," He started. I looked at him confused. why couldn't I be Hiccup? I wasn't dead or something.

"Why not?" I asked.

Snotlout looked at me as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Because Hiccup is dead." I was even more confused, if that was even possible. "Hiccup was killed by a..."

Snotlout stopped in the middle of his sentence, and looked at Toothless. "...Night Fury."

I had to stiffle a laugh. Toothless? Killing me? It was hilarious to think about. Around me Toothless was like a overgrown puppy, although he lookes like a cat on  the outside. I couldn't take it anymore. The thought of my best friend killing me was too much. I burst out laughing. I didn't have to look up to know that they were all looking at me like I was crazy, like, to be honest, I think I would have done the same thing.

"Uhm.. Ya ok lad." I heard Gobber ask. I tried to calm myself enough to answer my old teacher. It worked, sort of. The cuckles reduced a bit and my breathing slowly returned to normal. Oh, what has it been a long time since I laughed that much. It felt good, I should do it more.

When I finally stopped laughing and took a deep breath. "I'm.. fine. Just one... question. Why would... Toothless.. kill me?"

"Because they're beasts that kill, just because they can." Astrid answered angrily.

My head shot to Astrid. I knew she hated dragons since her uncle was killed by a Flightmare, but there was something new in her voice. something that wasn't there before. Like a sort... sadness, or.... hurt. Did she had another encounter with a dragon that hurt or killed someone she cared about?

Whatever the reason was, she still had no right to talk that way about dragon's. She doesn't know them the way I do, when they aren't controlled by some power lusting giant dragon queen.

"Dragons are no... beasts! They have.. feelings to. And how.... do you.. think I would.. have.. survived this.. long if... dragons killed... everything and.. everyone?!" I saw Astrid open her mouth, but she closed it again once she realized that I had a point.

this time Tuffnut spoke. "Alright, let's just say we believe you really are Hiccup. How are you going to prove it?"

I was shocked. When did Tuffnut become.... wiser...?

The image of a relatively wise Tuffnut was quickly ruined by his next words. "Are you going to set something on fire? try to swing an axe and fail miserably. Maybe you can finaly trow a bola, but you will miss and trap us. Or you don't miss and it was your intention to trap us, because you are an evil person who is pretending to be Hiccup to decieve us, so you can feed us to your hungry dragon friends. hmm!" While saying all that nonsense, Tuffnut came closer and closer to Hiccup 'till his face nearly touched Hiccup's.

'Well, this is uncomfortable.' I thought when Tuffnut glared at me.

Lucky for me Ruffnut decided to start a banter with her brother.

"It was my turn to question people! You did it last time, and the time before that!" she yelled

"Not true!" Tuffnut shot back, turning to look at his sister. "You asked the last question to that dragon over what it was doing on Berk!"

"Well first, you asked TEN questions before that. And second, it was a dragon! That doesn't count! It isn't like he was going to answer anyway!"

"It were still questions! And what about the time tha-!"

"STOP IT!" Astrid shouted

The twins went silent and turned to look at Astrid who looked about ready to kill them if they even did as much as look in the wrong direction. I wondered if she actually DID try to kill them, judging by their fearfull expressions. Astrid glared at the twins one more time to make sure they wouldn't continue when she would look away.

The twins were quite for now. I hoped that they were smart enough to hold their tong, at least until they were alone.

Slowly Astrid turned towards me, but still kept her eyes on the twins.

"So, are you really Hiccup?" Astrid asked with doubt and a bit of hope in her voice.

"Yes." I answered

"But, but," she spluttered, " you look so hot. All this."while she made a small gesture in my way. Her eyes widening  comically when she realised what she just said.

"But you just gestured to all of me." I said confused. Hot? I wasn't even warm or anything.

At hearing my words Gobber's head shot up. "HICCUP??!! It really is you!"

Before I could protest. Gobber hobbled to me and gave me a bone-crushing hug.

I enjoyed the hug very much. Well, I think I heard some cracks but I couldn't care less at the moment. I was hugging my father by all but blood after five whole years. Oh, how much I've missed him. 

Gobber released me after a few minutes to hold me at arm-length. 

"You have changed so much over the years." He pinched my upper arm. "Are those real muscles that I feel?" He joked. I laughed for the second time this day.

"Do you.. want to.. come with me..to.. my home?" I asked, "It's... getting.. late. You can... ask.. questions... there."

"Hell yes!" Tuffnut said.

"You really live with dragons?" Ruffnut asked, proving that she didn't really listen to what I said.

I chuckled. The twins were just as excited as when I left.

I wondered how much had changed or remained the same since I left.

We will see what the evening brings...


Hey... I'm back.. finally...

I know I haven't updated this story these last few months, but I have good reasons!

1. I had a test week ( I know it's just a week, but it takes in more time then you think. Not really actually. I just need a ok reason)

2. I had literally no inspiration 

3. I had no motivation either 

I hope that this chapter satisfies you for now. I don't know when I will update again, but I hope very soon!

Comment what you think (It motivated me to write another chapter), and give me ideas and/or suggestions for what I should at to the story!

As for now

~🦇dragon out~

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