12. Catching up

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It's been a while, but i'm back. I haven't had a lot of inspiration lately, but I thought you guys might like another chapter. I apologise if the chapter isn't any good. Now go read so you can decide for yourself!😜


I'm glad everyone is taking this living-with-dragon's thing fairly well. I would have thought that they would be more.. well.. angry. After all, I was once one of them, sorta, and now i've 'Switched sides', but sitting here, by the fire, they're all looking pretty normal. Accept Astrid, she's angry, but I don't know if it's me she's angry at, or Snotlout who's constantly flirting with her. Really, he has done that for ten years now! When is he going to realise that she's not interested!

The twins... well they're seem to be enjoying themselves. I imagine that they are thinking of all the possible way to destroy one, or more, of the houses here. Fishlegs has an expression on his face that looks like a mix between excitement and fear. I can understand him. He's been tought to  fear dragons his whole life, and now he's surrounded by them!

Gobber... he's gone. No he didn't run away, I think, he's just getting some firewood to make a little campfire.

~time skip~

Gobber finally came back with the wood and everyone was seated around the little roaring fire. There was a akward silence between us, but I didn't know how to break it. Luckily for me, the twins couldn't keep their mouth shut for more then a few minutes.

"So, Hiccup, dear brother," Tuffnut started.

"How did you come to live at this... draconic island?" Ruffnut continued for her brother.

"Did you get kidnapped by that black scaly lizard?" I could here Toothless give an offended huf.

"Or did you grow a pair of wings, and flew here yourself?"

"Maybe you just got enough of Snotlout's face, grabbed the first boat you could find and rowed away." an offended 'HEY!' could be heard from Snotfaces direction, but nobody really payed him any attention.

"And maybe we are just making up senarios about your disapearence just to be anoying."

"But hey, no one really knows! Not even us."

"So just tell us already, because we can't keep using our imagination. It's not endless!" Ruffnut finished.

"Alright, alright," I said before the twins could start rambling again, "At.. Berk.. I always got.. treated like I was.. worthless. Not.. by you.. Gobber!" I quickly said, as Gobber opened his mouth to protest, "Just by.. everyone.. else. Then there was a dragon.. raid"

"A dragon raid?" Snotlout said sarcasticly "Whe have those at Berk?! I never knew!"

Astrid punched Snotface who gave a very girly scream, but quickly shutt up.

"As I was.. saying," I continued " there was a dragon.. raid. The one where I.. claimed to have.. shot down a.. night fury."

Everyone nodded to say they understood what I was talking about.

"I really did.. shoot down a.. night fury." I pointed to Toothless "That one.. actually. He lost half of his.. tail because of me.." I winched. It was all my fault that Toothless can't fly normally ever again.

Toohless crooned, as if sensing my discomfort, which he probably could, weird dragons, and curled around me comfortingly

"'Ang on secon'. How is i-he still able to fly if i-he lost his tail?" Gobber asked.

"I made him a.. prostetic.. one" I answered, nad Toothless proudly showed them his tail.

"Tha's some good forgery here. I taught you well, toothpick!"

"I'm never.. going to.. lose that.. nickname am I?" I asked my old mentor mournfully

"Not a change" the meadhead aswered.

I sighed. This was going to be a long night.

I do admit that this ended a bit open, but I wanted to post something. I think that in the next chapter there is going to be at least some action.

Unfortunately, there are not going to be much more chapters. I think about three or something. five at most.

hope you enjoyed this chapter, as for now

~🦇dragon out~

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2019 ⏰

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