-Intermission- The SQUIP

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Okay, this chapter is going to be a lot darker than the last one. It takes place at the same time as the SQUAD at Seven Eleven, except this focuses on the SQUIP and what it was doing. It will also explain why Jeremy was so horrified when they got back. Basically, in this, the SQUIP will set things up in a way to purposefully cause Jeremy and Rich a panic attack caused by PTSD, which I think we can all agree is a bad thing.

~BiCeratops <3


The teens rush out of the basement to go to Seven Eleven. Christine flicks off the light and closes the door when she exits, leaving the SQUIP in the dark. It illuminates the basements with an eerie light blue glow, waiting for a moment just in case any of them came back.

When it was evident that they were completely gone, the SQUIP smirks, ready to enact its plan. It wanted to give the kids hell when they came back, and it knew just how to do it. It leaves the basement and heads up into the kitchen.

It begins its search for the first item it wanted. The SQUIP opens the bottom drawer closest to the refrigerator, grabbing out a small pocket lighter. It puts this into its coat pocket and continues its search for the next item.

Next, it opens the fridge, grabbing an open bottle of regular Mountain Dew. Then, it walks into a bedroom connected by a hall to the dining room and kitchen. It shuffles through some drawers before pulling out a small box of wintergreen Tic Tacs.

The next stop in the SQUIP's journey was the garage. It looks through the garage, searching for the right box. When it doesn't find what it wanted, it goes back into the bedroom it was in moments before, opening the closet to search in there.

Finally, it finds an old box from lady's running shoes. It smirks, bringing its findings back into the basement, illuminating the dark room once again with the pale blue light. 

It carefully opens the shoe box, dumping the Wintergreen Tic Tacs inside. Then, it puts the box on the floor still open. It unscrews and tosses the cap of the Mountain Dew into a corner, where it will be forgotten.

The SQUIP places the open Mountain Dew next to the shoe box. It takes out the pocket lighter and places it on the stand next to the couch.

It moves up out of the basement once again into the office room of the house. Grabbing a piece of paper, it scribbles words onto it that Rich wanted to forget he ever wrote or believed.

It walks back down into the basement and places the note next to the lighter. Chuckling, it disappears into the dark corner of the room, waiting for the teens to get back home to admire its handiwork.

After ten minutes or so, the door opens, revealing Jeremy at the front of the pack of teenagers. He was holding a bag and a half empty Slurpee cup. He face turns sheet white, and he gasps when he sees the set up on the floor. 

The SQUIP emerges from the shadows, letting out a menacing chuckle. It disappears back into the corner, not wanting to be confronted, but still wanting to watch.

Michael pushes forward, starting to say, "Heere, move. What could pos-"

He stops dead in his tracks when he sees the floor. He grabs Jeremy tightly, leading him to the couch. Jeremy sits down, still pale and now breathing heavily. Michael holds him, talking to him, attempting to calm him down. 

Michael had dealt with several of the boy's panic attacks before, and he noticed that they were the worst when related to the incidents with the SQUIP. This led Michael to believe that Jeremy was left with PTSD.

Jake steps down, and he sees the floor of the basement. He turns to Rich, looking concerned. The small blonde shoves past him, then sees the scene on the floor. His eyes grow wide, but he continues walking towards the couch, trying not to freak out. Jake goes to grab him, only to be met by Rich shying away from his touch.

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