V:1 Issue#2: Homecoming

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Author-Man: From here on the story is pretty much from the point of view of Peter Parker.
Peter: Wait, so I don't get to chat up with my one and only friend the Writer?!
Hah, can't say I won't be glad to not tolerate your smug spider-butt any longer.
Peter: Shut up, you know you love me.



Alright, the Bullhead's about to land any minute now. About damn time, I can't tolerate all that puking from blondie over here. Doesn't he know there's a thing call M.S pills? The God awful stench is killing me over here.

If only I could web his mouth shut.

I began shaking my head rapidly.
Bad Spidey! Bad! Wade is having too much of an influence on you these days!

Rummaging inside the pocket containers of my belt, I finally found something that could help. All I need to do is wait for him to stop retching.

The blonde teen continued to puke last week's dinner into the trash can, every throaty cough or gag made me want to throw up myself. AND TO HELL I GO IF I THROW UP YESTERDAY'S PIZZA!!! Finally, the guy stopped to catch his breath, wiping his mouth on the sleeve of his hoodie.

Me: Hey Knight Guy!
The blonde looked at me, mouth slightly ajar, but was surprised when I chucked a pill into his mouth.

Me: That's a million lien aim if I have ever seen one.
Knightie: What did you just...

Before he could barf out the rest of his pastries, the pills took their effects. He found himself falling(literally) into a deep sleep, thankfully he did not drop into the trash can. Wouldn't want to carry a puke-infested bee into my dream school now, would I?

It took me a few minutes to register what I said.

As the surroundings grayed, I realized what I had just done.

Me: I have to carry a walking, talking barfbag!
???: And I get to enjoy it!

All of a sudden, a chibi Spider-Man popped up on my shoulder.

Me: You know you are making yourself suffer, right?
Chibi Me: I am not making anyone suffer. I did not tell you to chuck a strong sleeping pill into the mouth of a guy with motion sickness!!
Me: And yet, your having fun that I have to do the legwork here.
Chibi Me: Umm, hello? *points at chubby stubby legs* Do my legs look like they can work?
Me: *depressed with a dark aura cloud over my head* Yeah, your right.
Chibi Me: Heyy~. Maybe by the time we land, he will be awake.
Me: *cloud bursts with a pop* Your right. I am being way too paranoi-

In a span of a second, colour filled up the Bullhead.

Glynda: *over the Comms* Attention, children. Your about to touch down on Beacon's skyport, gather your surroundings and proceed to the exit in an orderly manner.

I dropped to my knees, took one minute to breath in, took the next to breath out, slowly calmed down.......



Meanwhile, Ozpin is enjoying his coffee and also the fact that Spider-Man is being mentally defeated by the thought of carrying a human barfbag.

Me:*Grunts* Alright, boy *huffs* *grunts* almost there.....

Jeez, what is this Knight Guy made up of, wads of titanium? I have to LITERALLY drag him right now, and the cherry on top IS THAT I CAN'T TAP INTO MY SPIDER POWERS CUZ IT WILL MAKE IT TOO SUSPICIOUS!!!!

Chibi Me: At least you have me to listen to your rambles.
Me: Your really not helping *gasps* *grunts*...
Chibi Me: *swings around my head like a rotating chandelier* Of course I am! I provide comic relief.
Me: Grrrrr *grunts*

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