V:1 Issue#4: Pre-Exam Jitters

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As Jaune, Ruby and I walked inside the auditorium, a familiar voice yelled in the dark crowd.
Yang: Ruby! Peter! I saved you guys spots!
Me: Alright then. See ya later, Vomit Man!
Ruby: It was nice to meet you Barfboy!
Jaune: Likewise er....

I didn't exactly hear him say anything, since the crowd just got louder and Ruby practically dragged me towards Yang.

Great, where am I supposed find another smartass guy or quirky girl to talk to?
Ugh, gotta find another spot. Let's see if that ginger and the Mistralian will offer me one.
I looked on as she began jumping up and down whilst holding the neck of the poor guy, as the ground began to shake with miniature earthquakes.

Yeah.....Not happening.


Ruby: *tugs at Yang's jacket* Why did you leave me?!
Yang: Hey, hey. Take it easy ok Rubes?
Ruby: Easy? Yang, I toppled over a suitcase which belonged to a certain little miss perfect who started yelling at me!
Peter: Uhh....Ruby?
Ruby: Then she starts yelling at me more, and I feel bad. Then I sneeze and explode and she starts yelling at me even more, which makes me feel even more bad!
Yang: Sheesh, you couldn't have actually exploded.

???: I beg to differ!

Great, we have an angry snowcone in our midst now.

At the sight of a glaring Ice Queen, Ruby jumped into Yang's arm screaming "Its happening again!".
Elsa: You DID cost me a lot of dust you dolt!
Yang: Oh my God you actually exploded.
Peter: *pinches the bridge of his nose* Mrs Schnee...
Surprisingly, the Snow Queen let out a deep sigh, as if to calm herself.
Ice Queen: Here take this *hands Dust leaflet*.
Ruby: *Takes it* Wha?
Snowcone: So that you don't decide to ruin more Schnee products with your childish antics.
Yang: Hey, I believe we all got off on a wrong foot here.

Why am I being ignored?

Ruby: Yeah. Hi err...
Weiss: *confused stare* Weiss Schnee.
Ruby: Oh yeah! How about we become friends and put all that aside? We could go outside shopping for school supplies and hang out often in Vale.
Weiss: *sarcastic* Yeah. And we can paint our nails, drink smoothies and talk about cute boys like tall, brunette and...nerdy over here.

Ok, this ain't cool. First I am ignored and now I am being blatantly insulted?!
Thankfully, Yang shared my sentiment.

Yang: Back off Ice Queen! Pete has got nothing to do with this.
Ruby: You really mean it Weiss?!

At that instant, all four (including Chibi Spidey) facepalmed, although Weiss did so internally to save Ruby some grace.

Weiss: *Deadpan Look* No.

Instantly, everybody was silent as the big man of the hour himself arrived for his speech. At least, I knew what sort of generic rubbish he was about to spout. Probably some speech regarding academic honour or Grimm fighting or something.
So whilst that speech continued, Wittle Me (Chibi-Me: NEVER CALL ME THAT!!) started to strike up a conversation I wanted to avoid.

Chibi-Me: She just insulted us worse than Flash Thompson in Signal Academy could ever.
Me: *chuckles nervously* You really think I am still nerdy?
Chibi-Me: Dude, look at that hair you have got going! I mean sure we are cuter and hotter than before but that doesn't mean we tend to ourselves much.
Me: You sound like a deranged alien.
Chibi-Me: Funny, I thought it would be awesome to speak in plural pronouns after seeing that movie with the deranged alien.
Me: The act falls short on a lot of things.
Chibi-Me: Oh yeah?
Me: One of them is you BEING a deranged alien. Your just a little me in my mindscape.
Chibi-Me: Yeaaaah, I have been wanting to talk to you about that. Do you think that the others think we might be a bit insane since we are talking to each other?
Me: The only ones that know we are talking to each other, except ourselves obviously, are the readers. Who may have already judged us to the point that we are pretty sure nobody believes in our sanity any longer.

Author-Man: If you could stop OBLITERATING MY FOURTH WALL!!!!

Me: Great, now even the Author is referring to us as one.

Author-Man: I am warning you, you pleb....

Me: Alright alright. Jeez....

Glynda: *over the mic* All students are required to assemble in the ballroom, which will be your quarters until tomorrow's initiation.

Huh, the speech is already over.

Yang: Well, that was....
Peter: Totally inspiring! HE really knows how to get my determination going with those strong, er......sportsmanship-induced words!

Weiss, Yang and Ruby stared at me in a confused manner. As if I just said something foreign.

Ruby: What are you even talking about anymore?
Weiss: You actually didn't listen, did you?

I give a sheepish smile at that, knowing the truth is out.

Me: I didn't hear him that well with the blood pounding in my ears you know. *Rubs head* Pre-exam jitters I guess.

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