V:1 Issue#5: Darker than Black

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Author-Man: *shrugs* It works with Blake.

Oh great. Now we have to sleep in the auditorium.....in sleeping bags....in the most prestigious academy Remnant has to offer....well what can go wrong?

Chibi-Me: Literally everything.
Me: Let's see, I haven't brought my pyjamas thinking we have to give a written exam and combat test on the spot! My backpack only contains my web shooters, a few schematics (guess what for ;) ) and a water bottle! Not to mention a few science books.
Chibi-Me: We don't even HAVE a sleeping bag!
Me:....Weeeell....I have a better alternative....
Chibi-Me: If it's that stupid web-bag thingy, I will hang you in your sleep.
Me: So wait, do I have to sleep in boxers then?
Chibi-Me: Or you could sleep in your hoodie and jeans if your so shy.
Me: Hey, don't get me wrong. A hoodie and jeans may be comfy to wear in everyday life but it will be pretty much a huge stretch if I slept for a night in jeans.
Chibi-Me: Then the answer is obvious!
Me: I am just afraid I might be wearing....my maroon underwear.
Chibi-Me: Oh you are, aren't you?

Before the red under my jeans could be exposed any longer, I pulled my pants up, and clutched onto the hoodie before stopping. Coming up with a decision in my head, I popped the hoodie into my backpack.

Me: Going shirtless won't be that bad.

Suddenly, a chill went down my spine.

Chibi-Me: You had to jinx us you bastard!


However, as soon as I joined the others, all eyes were on me. Like seriously, everyone just stopped to stare "at me". In spite of there being a ginger bloke who literally looked like he worked out to flex here, all eyes were on me. ME.

To avoid all the staring and the....lustful looks I went to the far side of the room to a girl dressed in black. She had cat ears hidden behind a cute little bow.
What? Don't give me the look! Her bow twitched.
Anyways, as I sat down the girl seemed to glance at me, before going back to her book with a shade of magenta rivaling that of a turnip's.

A smut book.

Me: Quick question kitt-
Chibi-Me: *Pops up* Don't creep her out! *Vanishes
Me: ...Girl in black?

The girl in question looked up at me with mild annoyance. Actually, the blush and the little pout go well together.

Blake: My name is Blake Belladonna.
Me: Sure sure. Exactly what are you reading?
Blake: It's a book.

I looked at her in an inquisitive manner.

Blake: About a man with two souls....And each one is fighting for control over his own body.
Me: ....By thrusting his long, hard sword into his mistress' waiting s-

A hand cupped over my own mouth, reducing any noise I made into incomprehensible grunts. Blake stared at me, alarmed, eyes begging me to say no more.

???: Helloooo! Wait, what are you doing to him?

Oh well, Yang arrived, Ruby alongside her. Well, dragged alongside her.

Blake immediately let go off my mouth.

Me: Oh, it's nothing. It's just that Blake here was telling me about her-
Blake: Book! Yes, my very interesting book that your friend WHOM I DON'T KNOW asked me about.

Before Yang could ask any further, Ruby asked the same question I did before.

Ruby: What's it about?

Goddamn, couldn't get a word out myself. She's smart, I'll give her that. Somehow, Ruby understood her quick gibberish.

Ruby: Well, that's great. Yang used to read me stories about heroes all the time. It's why I chose to become a Huntress.
Blake: You...want to fight Grimm?
Ruby: I want to protect people. And, yes to kill Grimm. But also to fight for justice, against people who do bad stuff and put innocents in danger. I mean, if we have strength why not use it for some good?

Those words, brought a smile to my lips.

Me: From great power comes great responsibility.

I looked up to see the surprised expressions of Blake and Ruby, and a saddened one from Yang.

Me: A quote my uncle used to tell me all the time. In his prime, he used to be a Huntsman himself. No matter what happened, he told me to never stray from my duty. He believed that my intellect and strength will serve sufficiently to bear the responsibility of a Huntsman.
Ruby: And he's right. All of us here in this Academy, we have a duty. To protect the innocent from what they cannot protect themselves from and fighting off evil.
Me/Ruby: And at whatever cost it takes. For no sacrifice is too great for a hero.

As we both looked at each other, smiling at our own mutual goals, I understood exactly what similarity Ruby had with her sister.

She had her determination.

Blake: That's....really ambitious for the both of you. Unfortunately, the real world doesn't work that way.
Ruby: Well...that's why we are here, aren't we?
Me: To make the world a better place.

I couldn't believe my eyes for a second there. Was that Blake girl actually smiling?! Before I could confirm, however...

Yang: Oh, my li'l sister and my adorkable best friend are so grown up!!!

Following her squeal, she put us both into a headlock-hug of sorts, and it was extremely hard to get away what with her....*ahem* sizeable chest. Thankfully, I was spared from endangering her chastity as Ruby engaged her in some sort of sibling squabble.

Blake: It's nice to meet all of you.
Me: Pleasure's all mine, kitty cat. Name's Peter, by the way.

She tuned toward me so fast her neck could have broken, fixing me with a wide-eyed stare. Shocked was an understatement, she looked as though she was hit with a hammer on her back.

Blake: How did you-?!
???: Oh what the devil is it?! People are trying to sleep, you know!
Weiss/Yang: Oh no NOT YOU!

As the two girls began to quarrel, with Ruby trying to play the part of peacemaker, I sneaked off to the candle Blake sat near. She was still in shock, I believe, from my earlier analysis.

Chibi-Me: I TOLD YOU NOT TO-!!

Alright I gotta stop this yelling madness now.

So as a last resort, I blew the candle. What remained was only darkness and absolute silence....followed by many-a confused gibberish.

A/N: Aaaand CUT!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2019 ⏰

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