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I was here by 0600hrs in the morning ,many people were still rehearsing racing the field, it seems like some of them spent the night in the field,some look so tired. they say that practise makes perfect but I don't see the need of wasting my energy this early. I need to store mine for the big moment.

The recruitment starts at exactly 0800 hrs,at 0730hrs the recruiters arrived with vans and lorries and a couple of paramilitants ,they look like pace setters or something since most of them are wearing black track suits and black rubbers,they have set up around four tents two labelled gents and two labellelled ladies,there are a couple of height gates ,a small rounded clinic with a few doctors,there's also a notice at the entrance specifying the order of each documentation required for the entry,as follows:
-dentification card
-primary school leaving certificate and result slip
-high school leaving certificate and result slip of the same with a minimum of D+
-certificate of good conduct
-death certificate for the orphans
-any other supporting document
I check my papers for the orders and perform the way of the cross before entering my arena for today.

I'm dressed in black stretcher leggins and pink top and a very tight black bra to hold my breasts in place so that they don't hurt or jump out of place due to the long race I'm about to undertake.
As for my underwear i made sure its free to accommodate all sorts of movement .

my brother had taken his time briefing me of this day so I'm aware of most of the things that will take place on this event.

The first step :of the recruitment is passing by a small gate,which if you pass comfortably and freely you get disqualified also if you don't fit in and then bend yourself to fit and pass that gate you also get disqualified,the only way to not get disqualified is if you stand out of the gate if your height doesn't fit ,only then can you attempt the next step.

So many people get disqualified after passing that gate only to realise it was meant to determine your height, meaning if you managed to pass to the other side your height is below the required height.

Step two: there's a weight machine if you are above 65kg for ladies and 80kg for men then you are automatically disqualified.

Step three:this is where you hand in your documents according to the order of arrangement ,failure to which you are disqualified again ,no questions asked.
In this step you are also asked to identify any hidden scars,and match like the soldier you are aspiring to become.

Step four: this is where you are allowed to race the sieved fellow members remaining after step one to three.
For the ladies you take 10 laps in the field if the rest enter the second round while you are still on the first round then you get disqualified.

For the gents they race a 10 km race ,so they get to be supervised by the pace setters on every road,and get followed by a pace setter and they also get another one as their guide.

Step five:after racing the top 4girls go to the clinic tent to have their urine checked , a HIV test,bp test,and so many other tests.
The boys also undergo a few test.

Step six:among the 4girls one is eliminated and among the chosen three one must be
an orphan,and be able to prove it with the death certificate.
For the boys among the 10,5get eliminated and among the remaining 5 two must be orphaned or less previledged.

Step seven:the qualified both gender get summoned and are served with individual calling letters with information on where to report ,the necessities and the date.

For me I underwent the procedure smoothly up to the final step,I was no 3 in the race and was the orphan of the squad,lacking any of the diseases checked I got my calling letter.

Despite my hand having stitches I did the best match among the girls simply because in high school I used to be a scout and a brigadier in church too bad I had joined Sophie's crew when I did. I can't help but think I could be a better person if I hadn't.

To the paramilitary training school here I come. to my hardening wish ,I think it's going to become a reality. i hope granny will be proud of me.

What do you think will happen next.
will granny be happy for Sonia?
How will her brother react?
What about her mum?
Is she finally going to ex Sophie in her friend list?
Will she ever forget Chris?
How far is she willing to go for her daughter?
Will she endure the training?
Will she bear the hardening she,s yearning for?

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