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"will!" el banged on the bathroom door. "please, hurry up! i'm going to be late!" he'd been in the shower for ten minutes and el had somehow overslept this wednesday morning.

she impatiently waited outside in the hall, contemplating just throwing her hair in a ponytail and skipping the shower. just when she was about to give up, the door swung open to reveal her brother in his towel.

"finally!" she exclaimed. "oh, and can i please get a ride today? i have a test and i need to get there early and look over my notes," she begged as she entered the bathroom and he started walking to his room.

"no can do, i have to tutor jenny again," he said with sorry frown, earning himself a growl from his step-sister.

she scoffed. "i can't believe you haven't gotten over this, already," she muttered.

he stopped and turned around to face her monstrous bedhead with a glare. "you're right. i haven't gotten over it, and for good reason. i'm looking out for you, el. you're stupid if you actually think that —"

"whoa, whoa, whoa!" hopper interrupts the battle between siblings, holding his hands up in surrender. "what the hell are you two fussing about? you've got to get to school! and el, you need to," he pointed to his head in reference to her hair, "fix all this."

she rolled her eyes before passing a cold glance to her brother and shut the door to the bathroom. she's not surprised to find that he'd used up all the hot water. typical.

she hurriedly took her cold shower and practically ran to her room to throw on a pair of jeans and a striped red and white tee-shirt. she ran a wand of a mascara through her lashes, nearly poking her eye out in the process as she rushed. she hopped down the stairs on one foot as she slid her other into her converse.

"no time for breakfast, love you!" she yelled to joyce who had most likely made her breakfast.

when she got out the door she found will climbing into his car, not expecting his sister to be ready yet. he was shocked to find her pleading eyes on him beneath a strand of damp hair that rested against her forehead.

he sighed, considering whether or not he was being too harsh on his sister for dating his best friend. maybe he was taking this too far.

just before he could nod his head at her, a familiar honk came from the street. they both looked to find a black mercury comet parked in front of their house and inside the sleek car sat mike wheeler.

she looked back to her brother when she heard the cranking of his car. he didn't even look her way before backing out of the driveway and speeding away.

she huffed before hurrying to the passenger door of mike's car. "you're saving my ass, today," she greets, hopping in.

"it's what i'm here for, to save all the asses," he replies as she buckles her seatbelt with a giggle.

he's driving away from her house when he asks, "he still ignoring you?" she nods. "me too. i don't get why he's so upset. i mean, i'm his best friend. wouldn't that give me, like, brownie points or something?"

she shrugs with a heavy sigh. "he said he's looking out for me."

mike's brows scrunch together, "wait, should i be offended by that or something?" with a meek laugh she pulls down her visor to view her reflection, hoping she was able to come off as somewhat presentable.

she ran her fingers through her damp curls, letting out her hundredth sigh of the morning. she hated doing things in a rush, especially getting ready.

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