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today was not a good day for a certain brunette.

because of her constant studying for chemistry, el completely forgot about her quiz in algebra this morning, and she was pretty positive that she absolutely bombed it. then, she had to skip breakfast because she didn't want to keep max waiting, and her growling stomach was now paying the price. and now, here she sat in her chemistry class with a blank mind in the midst of test.

today was just not her day.

after what felt like hours, the dismissal bell finally rang and she noticed that there was an entire back page she hadn't even attempted yet.

"turn in your tests on your way out," her teacher instructed from behind his desk. she sighed, and stood up from her seat.

she waited on max outside, so they could walk to lunch together as they usually did.

the head of fiery locks finally came into sight behind a couple students shuffling out of the class. "hey, hey," her friend greets.

el forces a small smile, "hi."

"you good? you're normally happy before lunch, what's up?" the ginger asks, taking the usual route to their lockers before going to the lunchroom.

el let her fake smile falter, "today is just a bad day." max could tell by her tone that she didn't really want to go into to detail, so she only nodded.

soon enough, they arrived at their lunch table, unsurprised to find it empty. they were usually the first ones there, anyway.

"hey, how do you think you did on that math quiz?" max quipped before munching on a potato chip.

el's gaze lowered to her food. "i think i failed." her best friend's blue orbs widened, shocked by the straight a student's words.

"ladies!" lucas chirps, taking his seat beside his girlfriend. dustin and will follow closely behind him.

el looked up at the sound of his chipper voice and then at her brother, who was still serving her the cold shoulder. well, not as much as he was in the beginning, but things were still pretty tense. it amazed her that their parents hadn't caught on yet, but adults can be pretty clueless.

she felt dustin nudge her, "hey, do you want your pudding?" she furrowed her brows, confused as to how he knew she had pudding in her brown paper bag lunch. nevertheless, she nodded. she wasn't too hungry in the wake of her horribly unfortunate day.

she just couldn't wait for the school day to finally be over. she had already planned her weekend at home where she would watch movies and indulge in microwavable popcorn.

hearing the chair to the left of her scoot out, she looked to find mike taking his seat beside her. she smiled almost instinctively, an instinct that puzzled her.

she shook her head, dismissing her thoughts before greeting her faux lover. "hi."

he smiled, his dark-chocolate eyes peeking from beneath his disheveled curls. "hey, babe." a soft scoff sounded from across the table. drawing their attention.


el rolled her eyes, having had enough of his attitude over the last month.

max gasped. "damn, el. nice!"

eleanor threw her focus to the redhead, tilting her slightly. "huh?"

her friend pointed red to her own neck before nodding her chin in the direction of the raven-haired boy. perplexed by the gesture, el redirected her gaze to mike -- and then his neck. she leaned a little closer before spotting the soft reddish-purplish discolorations that littered the base of his neck.

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