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el hated it.

she hated that feeling that creeps into her stomach every time his dark almond eyes meet her own. she hated the way she surrenders into him when he wraps his arm around her. she hated the way she can't contain her giggles when he makes the stupidest joke that would only make a child laugh. she hated it all.

because every time she allowed herself these simple luxuries, one thought always remained in her mind.

it's all pretend.

perhaps that's what she hated the most, that no matter how close he was to her physically, his heart lingered in another's grasp.

sometimes she questioned his devotion to the blonde, but he always reinforced his intense feelings for the girl, unknowingly hurting the brunette in the process.

she sighs, shaking away the distressing thoughts that bogged her mind.

"can i waterfall your water?" his naturally raspy tone quipped softly from beside her. she tore her gaze from the cafeteria tabletop to find his freckled-face closer to her than expected, causing her to flinch. he laughs. "did i scare you?"

"huh? oh, no, i'm just -- i've just been a little on edge recently," she explains with a tight-lipped smile. she grabs her water, "here you go." he nudged her slightly before drizzling some of the clear liquid in his mouth. el knew he was weird about drinking after people so she didn't bother questioning his method.

their friends were discussing some school drama that had conspired over the week at the table, but el wasn't really paying attention. she glances to will's empty seat, reminding her that he'd chosen to sit with shelly and her friends rather than them.

but every now and then she would look at max to find her sneaking glances at lucas, who was doing the same thing to her.

el wondered how soon it would be until she was sneaking glances across the lunchroom at mike. she knew with every passing day, she was growing closer to the end.

brooke told mike that she was ending things with her boyfriend the next time she saw him, however she wasn't sure when that would be.

she'd be lying if she said the smile his lips maintained when delivering her the information didn't sting like a bitch. she even found herself shedding a few tears that night before she fell asleep.

"el!" again, she shook away the haunting thoughts and looked to the curly-haired boy to her left.

her brows furrowed, "i'm sorry, what'd you say?"

"i asked you if you were okay. you said you were on edge. is everything alright?" he questioned, his gentle tone resembling worry.

she lied, of course, "yeah, it's just school stuff. lots of tests before holiday break, and i guess i'm just stressing myself out."

her eyes traced the slight indentation between his brows as he studied her features, probably not buying her lie. she tensed when his hand rubbed her shoulder, "if you say so."

she nodded with a small smile, grateful that he chose not to pry. she was afraid if he had, she would just burst at her seems and her forbidden feelings would come tumbling out like a broken dam.

she was surprised when his hand dropped from her shoulder only to take her hand beneath the table.

before her cheeks could turn tomato red, the most annoying voice sang, "oh, lovebirds!"

the pair found shelly standing behind them, hands behind her back and satisfying grin sweeping her excessively glossy lips.

el groaned, "what do you want, shelly?"

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