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There once were two kingdoms. The Sea kingdom and The Land Kingdom.

Both live separately. One on the land, and one under the sea.

They both live in peace and harmony. Until one faithful day, where both kingdoms collide and caused conflict with one another.

The King of the Land, killed the daughter of the Sea king. This made the Sea king furious. He declared war on them. They were at war for a hundred of years. Neither side surrendering.

Now this story takes place in after a hundred years. Where we meet two very special people. The prince of the Sea, and a mere commoner on Land. But we'll let faith decide they're future and the sake of both their kingdoms. What is they're life story, what do they have against each other, and how will they react towards each other.

We shall read they're stories and see it through their eyes. Come now children, let's us explore this wonderful tale of forbidden love and mystery.

The art is not mine

Credit to the artist who made this, go check them out.

Two Kingdoms, One story: LGBTQ+Where stories live. Discover now