Chapter 4

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As you can see what happen before, that made everyone so surprise. The nerd start to talked and the first word he said is the lame nickname he gave to me, "KACCHAN". Even I hate that lame nickname, but somehow I'm happy went he the one that called me by that name. Why I feeling like that?

After that day, when he start to used his voice to talk. Everyone start to asked him so many question because they want to hear his cute voices. Also, my mom always come to the bar to meet with him, sometimes she take away him to somewhere, it's irritated me and thank goddess my mom not saying anything about him to that old hag. I think if she know about him, she probably do something to make sure I can't meet him again. I won't allowed that.

Then, as you know the time is so fucking jealous of me. Without I realize it's already 4 years has past, I can't believe I already 22 years old. I also notice that I have a lot change on me, like I'm getting really taller, my jaw become sharp, my body well build maybe because the workout and diet I do in this 4 years. I touch my face while standing there shirtless, looking into the mirror, I smirk. Of course I become more handsome and attractive. That is Alpha for you.

I take out my black shirt that already hang up in my closet and I wearing it. setting up my hair and wear some perfume. Today I have something to do with my dad, I heard he going to open another cafes and this time he want me to handle it. Sometimes, I also followed my mom to the mall, to observe the current sales and some problem there. So, I been busy lately and I barely went to the bar, but when I went there at night. He already fall asleep because he got school tomorrow. But, the two idiots always send me pictures with him and it's irritated me! It's not I'm jealous! maybe.... Tch! Whatever! If I see that two idiots, I will kill them for sure.

Well, when he enter 14 years old. My mom decide to register him into Elite high school, where all the royal and noble family send their children for education. She said to Toshinori that she will pay all his education fees. Then, he take the entrance exam that day and when he return home, he smiling happily saying that he pass the exam. We all surprise, an Omega from peasant's family took the high level exam and pass. That time I think he just not an ordinary omega, he is special.

Katsuki: I wonder how he doing right now?

I walked out from my room and went downstairs. All the maids greeting me and one of them accompanied me to the dining room. When she open the dining door, I can see my mom and dad is already there. Of course the old hag is also there. I walked to the dining table, sitting at my usual chair. The maid start to serve the food on my plate and I start to eat silently. The old hag put the fork down and she look at me.

Chiyo: So, my dear Katsuki. How is your relationship with your fiancee?

Katsuki: Good.

My parents looked at me worried. I can't believe she asking about that girl, Uraraka Ochako. She keep disturbing me, calling me and asking me to meet with her, spending time with her. She really fucking annoying. Even thought I tried to avoided her, she will suddenly showing her face here. She just do whatever she want. I put down my spoon, I drink the orange juice and I wipe my mouth with the napkin. I stand up from my sit, I tell my mom and dad that I will wait them at the meeting place because I have somewhere to go first. They just nodded their head and tell me to be careful. I walked to the door and she called me.

Chiyo: Katsuki.

Katsuki: What?

Chiyo: Do you have someone else in your heart, my dear?

I turn around and I looked at the old hag. She looking at me with that red color of her eyes, looking straight to me with calm. Even thought I have someone that I want in my heart. There is no way I will tell her about him, this crazy old hag that obsess with this fucking tradition in this family. She will doing everything to make sure all her plans went well. I looked at my mom and dad, my mom shake her head, telling me not tell her about Izuku.

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