Chapter 8

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After that party Kacchan never come visit the bar again. Kirishima and Todoroki say he was busy prepare for his big day with that noble omega. It's just like I said.. little by little he will forget about me.. Well, he is royalty after all and from the start he should not Be friend with someone like me because it will effect his image. But still deep in my heart... I hope he still thinking about me..

Then, the new month come. My collage orientation is near, same with Kacchan's wedding. Kacchan's wedding is before my collage orientation. That's mean I have to go to his weeding... I think, I should give some reason not to attend his weeding but Toshinori already bought a pair of clothes for Kacchan's wedding.. That's mean I have to go..

Shinsou: So, you will attend his wedding?

Izuku: I have too.. Toshinori - san already bought me a new suit.. I feel bad if I tell him I don't want to attend..

Shinsou: I see... Hey, I already found the place for you to rent.. It's nearby the collage.. We should see it later.

Izuku: Really?! Thank you, Hitoshi!

Shinsou: Anything for you..

This is for the best. I decide to find somewhere to rent, so I can get out from that bar.. It's not mean I will leave them or what. It's just I already 18 and I can take care of myself. One more things, I don't want to give Toshinori and Aizawa trouble anymore.. They already take care of me since I was small until now.. I think they need to rest and be together more.. you know what I mean right? Actually,the main reason is to stay away from Kacchan... If I stay at the bar, maybe he will visit there someday with his wife and I don't want to see that... It will hurt my heart... sigh..

Then without I realise the day of Kacchan's wedding come. I was wearing the suit that Toshinori bought for me and Aizawa was helping me. I was just stand still and he help me button my shirt, tidy up my coat and tie. He setting up my hair and he look at me.

Aizawa: You really look great in this suit...

Izuku: thank you...

He lift my face up and brushed my cheek. Then, he gave me his gentle smile. We all ready to go to Kacchan's wedding. When I arrive there is so many peoples from royal and noble. Aizawa told me to always stick with him and I nodded my head. When I take my sit, Shinsou come and sit beside me. I greet him and he smile.

Shinsou: Looks like the popular prince already there wearing his wedding suit..

Shinsou point his finger and I look at the direction that he show. My eyes widened, a tall good looking guy with ash blonde hair and crimson red eyes wearing a white wedding suit. Standing in front of the crowded waiting for his bride to come. Kacchan really look great and I can see all the girls that come here was talking about how lucky his bride to get him. But for some reason... Kacchan don't look happy? Or it's just my feeling? Suddenly, that pair of crimson eyes look at my direction, I'm surprise. He looking at me and he give me that sad smile. The smile that he never show to me.. Why he look so sad on his wedding day? Then, someone announce the bride is already arrive and everyone pay attention on her. Wearing an exclusive and sexy wedding dress, she really is beautiful.. Kacchan really lucky to made her as wife. She start to walk with her father and she standing in front of Kacchan. Then, the priest welcome the congregation and reads out what we believe about marriage. They start to exchange rings and looking at each other.

Priest: Ochako will you take Katsuki as your husband?

Uraraka: Of course I do!

Priest: Then, Katsuki will you take Ochako as your wife?

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