Chapter 16

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4 years have passed... Sitting on the balcony while looking up on the blue sky and I sigh... I look at the picture on my hand... Inside that picture there was a little young boy with ash blonde curly hair and red eyes looks just like the person that I so deeply in love... Bakugou Katsuki... My Alpha and my fate... I really want to see him...

Maid: Midoriya-sama... Chisaki-sama has returned... I have prepared your clothes... Please get ready... He wish to see you right away when he get here...

Izuku: I see... Thank you...

The maid walk away from my room. I stand up and walk to my bed and stared at the expensive clothes... I really can't believe that I was born in royal family until I remember all my memories that lost...


After wake up from that memories, I was crying all night beside Chisaki and Toga... I really miss my mom and Oji-chan... But now... They are the only family left... Then, Chisaki take me away from Japan and went to US... I don't have a chance to say goodbye to Toshinori and Aizawa... To Shinsou and kaminari... Also Kacchan and my son... But, Chisaki promise to me when the times come he will take me back to Japan... Until now... He never say anything about return to Japan... He always change the subject when I try to talk about return to Japan... I'm really upset about his attitude... One day, he give me an envelope...

Izuku: What's this...?

Chisaki: Just open and see for yourself...

Izuku: If you want to persuade me with money... Please take it back, Kai-nisama...

I handed him the envelope. He look at me with his calm face and he smile... He put his hand on my curly hair and he gently brushed it...

Chisaki: ...It's more valuable than money...

I was confuse at first... What did he mean it's more valuable than money...? When I understand what he mean, I quickly open the envelope and my eyes widen... Tears start to coming out from my eyes...

Izuku: ... It's true... It's very valuable than money... Thank you, Kai-nisama...

He pull me closer to him and let me cry on his arms... Inside that envelope, there was a pictures of my family... Kacchan and my son... I look on that pictures, looks like Kacchan taking good care of our child... I really can't wait to see them... Chisaki told me he hire his friend from Japan to take pictures of Kacchan...

Chisaki: His name is Bakugou Katsumi... He will turn 4 this years...

Izuku: Really! I should buy him a present when I went back to Japan!


I wonder... When are we going back to Japan...? I want to meet everyone... I took off my pajamas and drop it on the floor... Then, I put on the new clothes... A black shirt matching with brown leather coat and black formal pants... I look into the mirror and setting my hair... I stop my hand and stared into the mirror... I slowly touch the back on my neck and I brushed the bite mark...

Izuku: ... Kacchan...

My face suddenly blushing... I'm surprise when I hear the knock sound outside my room.

Izuku: Y-Yes?

Maid: Your brother is already arrived, Midoriya-sama... He wait you at the main room...

Izuku: Okay! I'll be there!

I look into the mirror to make sure everything is okay and I walk to the door. When I open the door, the maid is still there. She look at me with her sweet smile... She look happy...? Did something good happen? Maybe...

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