Nervous - Stage Dorks

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Jeremy stood at the Canigulas' front door, hesitant to knock. He had a date, and he was excited as ever. Christine loved theatre and movies, so he was taking her to a movie night in the park. They were playing Tangled, which was perfect for a romantic mood.

In one hand, he held a bouquet of carnations, in the other, a picnic basket crammed full of Christine's favorite snacks. This was his second date with Christine, and their lunch together had gone really well.

They had gone to a cute little sushi place. Christine mentioned once that she liked sushi, and Jeremy had never tried it, but wanted to make her feel special. In the end, the learned that they really liked each other, and that Jeremy was allergic to trout. This time, however, he was sure to pack fish-free snacks, and had an epipen on him just in case.

That didn't calm his nerves, though. She was the girl of his dreams- smart, talented, beautiful, and with a great sense of humor. He felt like he didn't deserve her, especially after all that had happened. Jeremy was still hounded by a voice in his head, it wasn't a robot, but it was still horrible.

Jeremy knew he was the only one who could silence it. 'She likes me, she wants to date me, and I like her too!' The voice shut up almost instantly.

'You can do this, Heere,' he thought to himself. He put his knuckles up to the door.
Tock tock tock.

Later that night...

Jeremy laid his head on Christine's lap as the characters sang and danced on the screen. She was resting her back against a big tree, blankets wrapped around both of them, ever so often running a hand through Jeremy's soft curls. Jeremy sighed happily, feeling perfectly at peace. Christine looked at him, giggled, and kissed his nose.

Jeremy chuckled, a happy feeling washing over him. 'See, I have no reason to be nervous.'

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