Cheerleader - Treebros

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AN: I'm an actual cheerleader, and sad that my season is over so Connor's gonna be living my life 'cause I miss cheerleading so much. Also, I'm trying to make Evan's stutter realistic, but I'm not sure how I did.

Connor looked at the flyer hanging in the school hallway. "Cheer Tryouts: September 2nd, 3:30 to 5:30, come with a good attitude and a smile, newcomers welcome!"

Connor had thought about the Middle Borough Cheer Squad before, but was never really sure. But, the guidance counselor, who was very proud of Connor for turning his life around, had said an extracurricular would be good for him, and he was oddly flexible from helping Zoe with her stretches for dance, so maybe he could. He grabbed one of the slips off the flyer.

'Why the hell not?'


He showed up the next day with no idea what to expect.

The coach started by having everyone sit in a circle(which was really more of a hexagon run over by a semi) and share their name and grade.

They then learned a dance, two cheers, and the basics of stunting, jumping, and tumbling. Connor was chosen as a base, and easily fit in. He learned that he was surprisingly strong, and was really grateful that Zoe had taught him how to do a front handspring.

At the end, Coach thanked everyone for coming and said that roster would be posted the next afternoon.


Connor approached Evan the next morning at with a nervous smile, the anticipation had been eating him up all night. They usually meet at Starbucks on Friday mornings, and Evan already had Connor's usual tea in his hand.

Evan smiled upon seeing Connor, and through his arms around him, making sure to set down the drinks before hand as to avoid a disaster

Connor chuckled. "Good morning, handsome." He kissed Evans forehead.

"Great, how, how where tryouts?"

"They went well, but I'm dying to find out if I made it."

Evan handed him the tea. "I'm, I'm sure you'll make, make it, Connie, I've seen your splits, they , they're insane!"

Connor chuckled, Evan's support making everything better as usual.


Turns out Connor was one of the best at tryouts, despite his lack of experience, and he was gladly accepted onto the team. He was elated, even if his legs were killing him.


"WE'RE RED HOT, BURNING UP, COME ON TEAM, LET'S KEEP IT UP!" Connor shouted as the girl's basketball team scored again.

The crowed cheered as he dropped into the splits, which he absolutely loved to do. One voice, of course, cheered the loudest.

Evan, wearing one of Connor's sparkling cheerleading sweatshirts, stood in the front row next to Zoe, yelling as loudly as he could.

Connor smiled widely at him, knowing that nothing in the universe could ever give him the joy and light that was Evan Hansen.

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