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"I'm baacccckkk" I sung and I was immediately tackled in a hug from non other than my older brother Natsu. " Y/N! I missed you!" He said before releasing me from the hug. "Fire Dragon! Roar!" He shouted but, I dodged his attack easily. "shadow dragon! Wing attack!"  Natsu didn't have time to doge and I sent him flying across the guild hall. I glanced around the guild and laid eyes on a tall, muscular man, with long black hair and metal piercing running down his face. "It would appear we have new members". I walked over to the table where he was sitting and turned his head so he was looking at me "what's your name?" I asked. He snapped his head away from me. "non of your business" he replied. "Oh come on don't be like that" I said, placing myself on his lap. Natsu finally got up "Y/N not him" he said "oh so you don't like him well that just makes this 10x more fun!" I laughed. Natsu began walking over to me. "Gajeel don't lay a finger on my sister or I swear I'll kill you!" A small smirk appeared on Gajeel's face "don't worry I wasn't planning on it" he said while pushing me off of his lap.

Gajeel's POV

I didn't know Natsu had a sister, I'm pretty sure she was just using me to annoy him and it worked he seams pretty pissed, but for some reason I didn't find it funny. I wished I could have kept her with me. Y/N's not bad looking either her hips swayed side to side as she walked away from me, one thing that did confuse me was why she had h/c hair instead of salmon hair like Natsu.

Laxus' POV

Why the heck was Y/N flirting with Gajeel like that!? Was it just to annoy Natsu? cus she knows she can do that by coming up here and sitting with me. It looks like that's what she's about to do.


I made my way up to Laxus on the second floor and pulled his headphones off, he just stared at me "what I don't even get a hello?" the rest of the guild had gone back to talking..... and arguing. "Hey" Laxus said quietly, before pulling me into his lap and kissing my cheek. I laced my arm around his neck and snuggled into him "so what's up with all the newbies?" I questioned " oh phantom Lord attacked so we got Juvia and Gajeel and Lucy joined a while ago" he said while pointing out the three new people. "Cool! I'm gonna go say hi to Erza" I stood up, but before I managed to escape he grabbed my wrist, I turned around " not without a kiss" he said I gave him a quick kiss before skipping downstairs to talk to Erza.

Gajeel's POV

I watched Y/N closely and she.. KISSED LAXUS!! I made my way over to Mira "hi Gajeel" she chimed "what's up with Y/N and Laxus?" I asked getting straight to the point. "oh they aren't technically dating, I'm pretty sure Y/N just acts like they are to annoy Natsu" 'I understand why Laxus would play along, especially when Y/N has such an amazing body and beautiful eyes. Wait what am I thinking!?' I pushed my thoughts out of my mind and returned to my seat. I watched as    Y/N walked over to Erza and gave her a hug. She was smiling, she had such a beautiful smile.


Erza had just introduced me to Lucy. "so what kind of magic do you use?" Lucy asked. " I use shadow dragon slayer magic, fire dragon slayer magic and wind magic" Lucy looked shocked, "oh wow that's a lot" but the voice didn't belong to Lucy. Gajeel was stood right behind me. "o-oh h-hey Gajeel. You scared me" I giggled a bit trying to keep calm, but something wasn't quite right, I had butterflies in my stomach. Gajeel sat down next to me and Natsu stopped glaring at Laxus and moved his gaze to Gajeel. "I said stay away from my little sister!" Natsu looked as though he was about to kill Gajeel "calm down Natsu, you know I'm just trying to annoy you"  I smirk, desperately trying to protect Gajeel from Natsu wrath "Fire Dragon!-" I cut him off before he could finish "STOP NATSU!" I could feel tears forming in my eyes, what's wrong with me?! Why do I care about Natsu beating up Gajeel?! People were starting to stare, so I wiped the tears from my eyes and ran out the guild hall.

Natsu's POV

I was about to punch Gajeel's stupid face when Y/N started to... cry? She ran out the guild. "Y/N?" I was about to chase after her, but someone beat me to it.. Laxus!? There was no way I was letting that bastard get to my sister before me! I sprinted out the guild hall unaware of someone following behind me.

Gajeel's POV

I watched Laxus then Natsu run out after Y/N. I wasn't just going to sit back and let Laxus comfort her, I got up and followed after Natsu.


I couldn't go home Natsu would find me there and I couldn't go to the woods Laxus would definitely find me, if he chose to come after me. So I went to the park. When a group of guys approached me " hey cutie what you doing out here all alone?" I backed away, tears still flowing down my face "w-what do you want!?" I screamed through my tears. They just laughed "isn't obvious" an evil smirk appeared his face, he stepped closer to me and I shuffled away, pushing myself up against a tree "g-go away" he took another step closer to me I screamed. "HE-" I was cut of by his hand covering my mouth "now, now don't be like that" he smirked and reached towards me. "Get your filthy hands of off her" a familiar voice growled....

Hey this is my first fanfic so I'm really sorry if it's awful but thanks for reading it x.

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