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I woke up feeling absolutely awful. The parade was in two days so if I was gonna go on a job it would have to be today. I dragged myself out of bed. I decided to take a shower, that was a bad idea. I almost fainted about three times but managed to escape the shower and get dressed. I didn't feel like eating, so I just grabbed my keys and headed to the guild.

-time skip to the guild-

After what felt like forever I stumbled into the guild hall and got hit in the head with a table.
Pulling myself of the ground I spotted Natsu and Gray hiding in a corner. Obviously hoping I wouldn't kill them. I didn't have the energy to waste on them so I walked over to the request board. Snatching a random request and bought it over to Mira.
"(Y/N) you look awful, are you okay?" She asked concerned.
"Yeah, I'm gonna head out on a job" I put on my best smile, I really needed money to spend at the parade.
"Are you sure. I don't think you should go, at least bring someone with you" Mira said, I just shook my head.
"I'll be fine" I walked out the guild almost tripping a few times.

Gajeels POV

As (Y/N) left Mira called me over.
"Gajeel, I don't think (Y/N) is feeling to well"
She said
"Ya don't say" I replied sarcastically, it was obvious (Y/N) wasn't well. I don't know why Mira let her go on the job.
"Can you follow her and make sure she's okay?" I sighed and mumbled a quick fine before following (Y/N) to where the request was located.

~oh look another time skip~

Still Gajeels POV

Once we finally reached the town where the job was, (Y/N) spoke to some small old lady. She told (Y/N) that a bandit stole something or other from her, very valuable blah blah blah. She had to get it back. Doesn't seem to difficult I don't know why I'm here (Y/N) is probably gonna be fine. I watched (Y/N) as she slipped round town gathering information. Until eventually she found out where the bandit was hiding. Slowly she snuck into the abandoned building. Also the only abandoned building in the entire town, like seriously why didn't we just come here in the first place. Jeez what's wrong with her.


I stumbled into the abandoned building. Why didn't I just come here in the first place? I looked around in the dark, I couldn't make anyone out. So I listened very closely for a change in the wind patterns or footsteps, but there was nothing. Wrong building I guess, I turned to walk out and bumped into something, like a wall? Wait why is it breathing? It's a person isn't it?
"Fire Dragon! Roar!" I aimed my attack at the person behind me. They were pushed against the wall with a loud *thump*
"Ah geez short stuff, what was that for?"  A very familiar voice asked.
"Gajeel what the heck are you doing here?!"
"Protecting you obviously" I was about to protest against needing to be protected when I was rudely interrupted.
"Well if it isn't the infamous (Y/N)"  a voice laughed from the darkness.
"Who's there?" I called
"The boss was very angry when he found out we let someone infiltrate nightshift, so now I'm here to bring you back!" All of a sudden a shadow came shooting towards us, Gajeel pulled me out the way as I stumbled slightly.
My head was pounding, a million thoughts racing through my mind, his voice sounded so familiar, but who was it. Going through everyone from nightshift he didn't seem to be one of them.
"Bullshit! You aren't from Nightshift! Who are you!?" I demanded more than asked. From the other side of the room we heard a small "ah shit" being mumbled. I readied an attack but before I could use it, I fainted. When I woke up I was being carried over someone's shoulder.
"Morning shortie"
" Gajeel? Where are we? What happened?"
"Well after you fainted, that guy just kinda went poof and disappeared, I found the necklace and returned it and now we're heading back to the guild." He set me down on the ground gently.
"You shouldn't go on missions when you aren't feeling well" there was genuine concern in his voice.
"S-sorry, I thought I could handle it, besides I need the money" he sighed pushing his hand out towards me which contained the small bag of money.
"I can't take this you did all the work"
"Don't be stupid" he said shoving the bag into my arms.
"Thanks" he turned his head away and murmured a quick
"No problem" wait a second
"Are you blushing?" I asked grabbing his head and turning him to face me.
"You are blushing!" I burst into a fit of laughter
"Shud up"  I continued laughing.

Gajeel's POV

She wouldn't quit laughing. I grabbed her chin, 'this'll shut her up' turning her head towards me I kissed her. Her whole body froze before she kissed back. Lack of air meant we had to break the kiss.
"What was that for" she asked
"You wouldn't stop laughing, come on let's get back to the guild" we spent the entire rest of the walk in silence, but someone how her hand found mine and we needed up waking with our fingers interlocked.


We opened the guild doors
"Thank Mavis you're alright" Mira said.
Natsu strolled up to us before noticing Gajeels hand holding mine.
"What do you think you're doing with my sister! Fire dragon-" I covered his mouth.
"Shut up Natsu, I'm not feeling well"
I spent the rest of the day in the guild talking to  Team Natsu, Gajeel sat next to me, with an arm wrapped around my waist, holding me close and glaring at anyone he saw as a threat while I recovered.

Wow there's so many if you! I'm sorry I was gone for so long! I really want to do a Q&A to thank you all for reading. So either comment or pm me your questions. They can be literally anything and I will do my best to answer them.

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