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「 i. doing all right ;; queen / smile 」


"ARE YOU FUCKING serious?" she swore, her Geordie accent peeking through more than normal. "Please tell me you're joking."

Brian and Roger knew they were mere moments away from having to hold their friend back, as they noticed her getting more and more heated by the second. The long-haired brunette stepped in front of the girl. "Don't do this, Tim."

"We're not going anywhere with this: college gigs and pubs. I've got to give it a go," he shrugged before grabbing his suitcase and walking away, not sparring his friends with another glance.

"You're going to regret that!" Stephanie yelled. When Tim didn't retaliate, she threw her beer bottle at him, but he'd already shut the car door — the glass shattered against the metal at the sheer force of her throw.

She groaned before sitting in the back of the van, her feet dangling off the edge. Brian handed her another drink and Stephanie didn't hesitate to chug it down. The band was doing so well, or so she thought. This was but another thing to add on to the list of why she was such a disappointment to her parents. God, what was she going to tell them.

"I think he's right," Roger admitted. He sat down next to Stephanie. "It was a load of bullocks, wasn't it?"

Brian shrugged. "I think there was room for improvement, yeah."

"I've got better things to do on a Saturday night... I can give you their names," the blond smirked as he took a drag of his cigarette.

Stephanie huffed as she rolled her eyes, an action Roger seemed to notice. He nudged her lightly with his shoulder. "Don't worry, love. I can always add you to the list."

"I think I'd rather die," she replied, looking at him with a straight face before taking another sip of beer.

The conversation died down after that. The three remaining band members thought about what was to come next. Surely, it was impossible for them to continue without a lead singer and a bass player. And if they broke up, Stephanie wouldn't hear the end of it from her parents. She was going to keep this band together or die trying.

A man with untamed hair entered her vision. He wore a jean jacket over a collared button-up and he strutted as if the world was his. He stopped in front of the three. "I enjoyed the show."

They all responded with "thank you"'s in unison. It was always nice to hear from a fan but nothing was going to lift the melancholy mood that settled over the group.

The man lifted his head and looked at the others through his lashes.

"I've been following you for a while, actually... Smile: it makes sense for a dental student," he motioned to Roger. "And you're in astrophysics, yes?"

Brian nodded in astonishment.

The man then looked to Stephanie with an arched brow. "And you're the lawyer."

"Sort of, yeah," she smirked, playfully.

"I guess that'd make you the clever one."

Stephanie smiled before looking towards her other two band members. "Well, yeah, I suppose it does."

Roger rolled his eyes and Brian shook his head. Whether they liked it or not, Stephanie most definitely was the clever one of the group.

"I study design here," the man said.


"Yeah," he responded as he pulled out a few sheets of folded up paper from his pants pocket. "I write songs too... Might be of interest to you. Just a bit of fun, really."

Stephanie reached over to take the paper when she realised her friends weren't moving. She read over the words that were messily written and crossed-out. It looked like he'd written the song in a few minutes, but as she read it, she realised how perfectly the words seemed to melt together. "These are really, really good—"

"You're about five minutes too late," Roger told him before Stephanie could say much more. "Our lead singer just quit."

A look seemed to flash in the man's eyes. He stared at them before looking down with a smirk. "Well, then, you need someone new."

"Any ideas?" Brian asked.

A beat of silence passed. "What about me?"

Again, it was quiet. It was rather a bold statement to make, considering the three of them had never seen the man in their whole life — let alone heard him sing.

"Uh, not with those teeth, mate," Roger laughed lightly and looked as if he'd said something utterly hilarious. Stephanie didn't hesitate to hit him upside the head. After months and months of knowing him, the lack of filter he possessed still surprised her.

The confident smirk the man had washed away at his words. The look alone was enough to break Stephanie's heart. He nodded and began to walk away, but the girl stood and grabbed his arm before he could go too far.

"Can you sing something for me?" she asked, with a curious glint in her eyes. If the man could sing as well as he could write, he was sure to be a star.

He took a breath. "I know what I'm doing... I've got a feeling I should be doing alright," he sung.

"Doing alright," the other three harmonised.

The dark-haired man's confidence seemed to be restored at the smiles he received from the others. He flipped his hair and turned to Roger. "I was born with four additional incisors. More space in my mouth means more range... I'll consider your offer."

He turned back to Stephanie, who still hadn't let go of his arm. She stared at him in astonishment. "Do you happen to play bass, by any chance?"

"No," he stated with he smirk before walking away, his hands set on his hips.

Stephanie stood there, starstruck. It was odd how the world worked: one moment she was absolutely gutted because their lead singer had just quit, and the next, a man with a beautiful voice happened to stumble by. She finally turned back to the Brian and Roger, who shared the same surprised look.

"I quite like him," she smirked before taking Roger's beer out of his hands and taking a swig. Suddenly, the night wasn't too bad.


this is kinda bad but i saw borhap again yesterday and i couldn't not write something so uhhhh here u go

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this is kinda bad but i saw borhap
again yesterday and i couldn't not
write something so uhhhh here u go

also rami's lookin extra
cute in that gif i'm :')

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