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STEPHANIE STOOD WITH a bright red rotary phone pressed against her ear and a hand on her hip. She was backstage at a show and it was almost their turn to perform, but it didn't seem like her mother was planning on ending the call any time soon.

"Why can't you just have a normal job like your brother—"

"Because I'm not my brother, Mom," she interrupted.

"You've got that law degree, hanging on your wall, collecting dust. Six years of law school that I paid for, all for nothing," she ranted, her American drawl stronger than normal. "I mean, would Tony want you to—"

"Don't," Stephanie hissed. "You can talk all the shit you want about me, but don't bring him into this... He'd be happy for me — I just don't understand why you can't feel like same."

"Honey," her mother sighed, softly. "I just want you to be successful and I don't know if that little band will get you anywhere."

The younger girl breathed out a laugh. "Whatever. They need me on stage, now. I call you tomorrow."

She hung up the phone before her mom could say anything else, before leaning her back up against the wall. She shut her eyes and sighed. Stephanie wondered if her mom was right — she'd worked hard through university to get her degree, to not even use it. And she'd never allow herself to say it out loud, but she missed Tony — she was completely lost without him.

"You good, Steph?" A deep English accent, brought her from her thoughts.

Stephanie opened her eyes and sighed again. She smiled, though it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Just peachy," she sarcastically replied.

Before the conversation could continue, they were called out on stage. They'd upgraded from the normal four, to five. There were two new faces and Stephanie wasn't sure how the crowd would react when they noticed their normal lead singer was gone.

"Hello, everybody," she greeted the crowd and they cheered back. Her voice had gone soft and sultry as it always did when she was talking to the crowd — it made them go positively wild.

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