One more day.

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I finish my school day, and go home.

"Hey mom! Guess what?" I scream in happiness, while running towards her.

"Woah, slow down there cowgirl." My mom grabs my shoulders and stops me so I don't knock her down. "Why are you so happy?" She asks rubbing my arm.

"Chelsea bought me and her One Direction tickets! We have VIP passes, passes for the meet and greet, and front row seats! Can you believe this?!" I ask her.

"When is the concert?" My mom asks back.

"Tomorrow. Chelsea is going to pick me up at 7:30!" I tell her, "And I might stay the night at her house and go to school with her the next day if it's okay?" I ask, putting my hands together in front of my chest. "Pleaseeee." I beg.

"Of course you can go darling! Just stay safe! I don't want you get stomped on by other screaming girls!" She warns me.

"I won't mom." I laugh and run upstairs.

"What should I wear?" I ask myself. I open up my closet door and look in. I search through dozens of shirts. 

I'll wear my green "I like guys with green eyes." shirt. It was just a shirt, but secretely, to me it was about Harry. I love his green eyes. Oh how I would love to see him in person..

I grabed the hanger, and set the shirt on my bed.

"Now for jeans." 

I walk over to my dresser and open the second drawer. I unfold almost all of my jeans looking for the perfect pair.

"My black pair! These will look great with my shirt!" I shout. 

I quickly cover my mouth, hoping my mom hadn't heard me. I was just so excited I couldn't keep it all in, I am going to a One Direction Concert..

I try on my outfit and look in the mirror. "You look great Lindsay!" I say to myself, boosting my confidence.

I take off my outfit, and change into my pajamas. A white tank top, and red shorts.

My cellphone rings.

"Hey Lindsay! So can you come? Can you stay the night afterwards?!" I hear Chelsea's voice scream into the cell phone.

"Yeah Chelsea, I can come AND stay the night!" I tell her, just thinking about all of this makes me smile.

"Great! I'll see you at school tomorrow! Don't wear your outfit though! Change into it after you get home from school." She informs me. 

"Okay I will, see you tomorrow Chelsea!" I say, and shut my cellphone, throwing it on my bed.

I collapse backwards on my bed, "Tomorrow.. ahhhh. I can't wait!" I scream, not caring if my mom hears.

I hear a laugh outside my door.

"Mom! Go do something, don't be a stalker!" I shout, and laugh.

"I love you dear, and Happy Birthday again!" She says.

"I love you too!" I shout. "Now go! I want to get some sleep, I didn't sleep much last night." I tell her.

"Okay darling, Night." I hear her footsteps walk down the hall.

I turn off my light, and shut my shades. It is only 3:30 but I want enough sleep for tomorrow. I am going to be Up All Night. 

I jump into bed, wrap the covers around me and close my eyes.

"Tomorrow is the day." I whisper.

 Sorry this is so short, It was longer, but my computer shut down and it didn't save any of it. So I had to rewrite this all again, and was not in the mood. I will write a lot more the next chapter, I promise! x :) 

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