I've just been thinking.

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"Oh chill out Zayn! It was a joke" I giggle, throwing a pillow at him. He needs to calm down... lighten the mood abit.

"Just stop. You guys aren't funny." 

Harry thuds out of the bathroom, and slams the door shut. "Fine, be an ass, while we're just trying to have fun. You're hair is not that big of a deal pretty boy." Harry groans, against the door kicking it lightly with his foot.

I flick Harry on the shoulder, and stop his foot. "Let's go. We have places to be dumb nut." 

"Yeah haha. I'm the dumb nut. Suuure." Of course Harry had to stretch out the way he said sure. He was always so dramatic, and hilarious with the way he decided to say his words. He's so weird it's hard to even explain the way he is.

I love him because of it though, and that's all that really matters right now. He's the perfect guy. He has the times where he is silly, everything you do or say he can make a joke of it. He also has the times where he can be serious, and loving. But best of all, he has the times where he can just let loose and relax. 

I know, I know. It's only been about 5-6 weeks with this boy, but it feels like 10 years already. He makes the days go by so quickly, but so slowly. You never want to leave him, and just stay with him. Stay with him forever. He makes you feel so different.

He's definitely not like all the other guys I've met. Though guys have never really liked me.. he's still so different. A really, really... really good different.

~ 2 Weeks later ~

"Enjoying Cali Harry?"  One fan screamed.

"I love you Hazza!!!"

"Ahhh you're so perf Haz!"

"Get rid of the whore Harry!" A fourth fan screamed.

"Ew who is that! Im prettier Harold!" 

 I won't deny it. Here it is flat. It's hard being Harry's girlfriend. Now that the fans, the press, everyone is starting to realize it, I'm getting more and more hate.

Harry told me to ignore the hate, it happens to everyone. Trust me, I'm ignoring it. It's just crazy to me. Girls hate me because I'm dating Harry, but yet they love Harry? Why can't they be happy for me? 

What if they were me, in my position, dating Harry. Would they want people to say to them, what they're saying to me? 

"Lindsay, snap out of it. You keep going in to these weird stares. Just keep walking babe." Harry pulls on my hand, making me stumble over my own feet. 

"Thanks Harry." 

"What's wrong with you anyways?" He whispers in to my ear, making sure none of the video cameras could catch what he asked. Of course if they caught what he asked they would switch it around in to something horrible.

"Nothing is wrong. I've just been thinking a lot." I tug on his hand when a girl who is standing behind a barrier, starts screaming "Fake dating! Fake! I bet she is a singer who just needs promotion!"

People are such jokes. How could they think anything like this? I don't even have the looks to be a singer, dancer, or model. Nothing.

"Yeah sure! Whatever you think love!" Louis shouts from behind me, clearly angered by the girls comment. 

This is my second time walking through an airport with the boys, or being on an airplane for that matter. It's crazy really, you always see photos like this, of celebrities. To think now I'm walking with them in the photos is wild.

I know that this will just be more confirmation of our relationship, but that's perfectly fine with me. I want people to know. Sounds cocky yeah, but it's true. I don't want it to seem like we're hiding this. 

But honest, I just want a normal relationship. No fans, no photos, no rumours, no hiding..

This will have to work though. We've made it work so far.

"Thinking about what? Lindsay?" Harry asks, shoving his shoulder in to mine, trying to catch my attention. "Lindsay, you ok?"

"Harry I'm fine. I just keep thinking about things. I'll talk to you on the bus. I don't want them taking photos of me talking. They did that last time, and the photos came out bad. They made fun of me Harry. I don't want that again." I say in a quick whisper, tilting my head downwards and towards him. 

I let my long brown curly hair, cover half of my face. I've just been wearing it down. Kind of like Louis' girlfriend Eleanor. We're very similar, and actually great friends. She's a really good girlfriend for Louis. 

"Sure. I'm sorry." He whispers, kissing the side of my head. Which of course makes me giggle, and blush like crazy. 

"You're so cute when you blush Lindsay. You shouldn't be afraid of the cameras. They should see your beautiful face, and know that you're mine babe." 

I let it sink in for a moment, maybe I should. Maybe I should just stop caring, let them see me. Let them give me hate. And let myself ignore them. This is my life with Harry, and that's all that matters. Who cares what they think. They don't have to 'ship' us together.

But... I'm still not ready to show my face to the cameras.

"Maybe next time." I whisper simply.

I hear Harry do his little groan. "Oh Harry. It's not a big deal. I promise." I quicken my pace, as I see we're getting closer to the bus. I hated walking through these huge airports. There was always about 300 fans, and about 100 paps. It was the worst thing ever, because you know everyone there is taking a photo or video of you.

You know none of this would be that bad, if I could just keep myself off the social networking sites. I get on Tumblr, and see all these rude posts about me. 

It's not that everyone hates me, and doesn't ship 'larry' or most popular 'hindsay'. It's just that they think Harry is too good for me. I'm just some weird fan.

We finally make it to the bus, and Harry pulls the doors open for me. Grabbing my hand, he helps me on the bus. "Why thank you my prince charming!" I say, pressing my hands to my heart, chuckling at my own joke. 

"You're a crazy nut ball Linds. I love you." 

"I love you too freak." 

Well.. off to the hotel. The boys have a concert tonight in Los Angeles. This should be good. If only you've heard the rumours going around..

" TYMNZ : Harry and his new said to be girlfriend are heard to be arriving at the Los Angeles concert early. Is it to break the news? Do we smell a confirmation on the rise? Fans are predicting the whole relationship has been a lie. Is Lindsay Marie really a singer, who will soon be performing at one of One Direction's concerts? That's sure what the fans think! Lots of predictions are that it's all been a scam, to give her some fame. What do you think? Is this a real relationship? Or is it all for the money?" 

Sorry! Sorry that this is kind of short. And I haven't updated in so long! My finger is much better now, and this would be longer, but my friend came over yesterday. So I couldn't update! Agh! But I hope you like thisxxx. If you're reading do you mind giving me a vote/comment?! I love knowing if someone is reading. It just fuels me to update more! You don't have to vote or comment though, I'm not that type of wattpad-er. I just like writing, it's nothing to do with popularity to me xxx Also I know it's slow and boring... next chapter will be MUCH better 

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