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To Jeongin

I planned to confess to you soon. The only thing I couldn't handle was being uncomfortable you. If you rejected me but stayed friends, I would be happy. But if you drifted from be, I would never forgive myself.

After the hospital situation, you messaged me everyday to see how I was. I loved how much you cared for me and I couldn't handle you leaving me.

Every break in my shifts I had, I would go down to the café and see you. If you weren't there, I would tell Felix or Seungmin to leave you a message.

Soon, you asked to meet up somewhere. me, being me, agreed almost instantly. I could never give up an opportunity to see your adorable face.

The night we went out, I got you ice cream. We sat at a park bench and talked for hours. You looked so pure in the moonlight, and I wanted to kiss you all over. It took a lot of restraint, if I'm honest.


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