Snow Troubles

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^ ^ ^ what you're wearing ^ ^ ^

There was a blizzard on the mountain the company and you were traveling on, you could barely see five feet in front of you and everyone was knee deep in the snow, except you, you were ankle deep

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There was a blizzard on the mountain the company and you were traveling on, you could barely see five feet in front of you and everyone was knee deep in the snow, except you, you were ankle deep. You walked beside Bilbo and with the wind roaring in your ears, you could still hear his teeth chattering. Since you both pretty much travel behind the rest of the company most of the time, you took advantage of it and forced your sweater on Bilbo. He looked grateful before he looked at you in shock. He took in your appearance and saw you wearing a spaghetti strap tank top, ripped jeans and your boots that didn't look very warm. Though you looked cold because of the snow making your skin look paler than normal, you were quite the opposite, you were very much warm. Bilbo tried to take your sweater off to give it back to you before you stopped him and picked him. He was too cold to protest but being held against you, he realized you were very warm. He was confused but didn't complain.

After about an hour of walking through the blizzard, Thorin finds a cave and everyone practically races inside, pushing each other out of the way. You put Bilbo down and he walks in first, you following after. No one really paid attention to you, everyone was either focusing on warming up by the fire or trying to add as many layers on themselves as they can. The food was being cooked but it was taking a while since you didn't have much fire wood to make the fire hotter. "I can out and look for some wood if you want me to." you suggested standing up. Thorin grumbled loudly, you assumed he agreed. You grab your pack, to pack any wood you couldn't carry. Before you even got to put your pack on your back, you hear at the other end of the cave, "You don't plan on going out in that blizzard dressed like that, do ya lass?!" Bofur said looking to you very surprised and worried. You looked confused at him and if it couldn't have gotten worse, "You trying to catch you death out there?! Mahal's sake, lass! Get yer butt over by this fire right now." Oin shouted as he walked over to you and grabbed you by your forearm and dragged you to the fire, practically shoving you down to sit.

"What's the problem? I don't understand. We need more wood for the fire if any of are going to eat." you tell all of them. They're not even letting you move to stand, Kili and Fili are sitting next to you to ensure you don't try to sneak away. "If you guys are worried about me getting cold, I don't get cold." you told them, failing to stand because of the princes. All the dwarves laughed at you, "Lass, I may not know a lot about humans, but I know that humans are considered the weaker race for a reason." Kili remarked. "Any race compared to a dwarf if considered weak." you retorted. "You can go when you find something warmer to cover up in or until the storm lets up." Thorin said determinedly. You sighed and relaxed a bit, the princes assumed you gave up, but seeing their guard down, you jump up, grab your pack and dart out the cave. Everyone tried to grab you but you were already too far in the blizzard to be seen.

------ time skip ------

It's been about two and a half hours since you were out and you had more than enough wood to last a few days. You walked into the cave with everyone rushing to your side. "Come here, lass! Sit by the fi--" Balin felt your arm, you were just out in the blizzard for what felt like forever to the dwarves and you did't feel in the least bit cold. He looked very confused as he looked up at you, "How are you not cold?" "I told you, I don't get cold." you simply shrugged. You helped Bombur with the wood and in no time the food was done and everyone was chowing down. After everything got cleaned up and put away, you all laid on your bedrolls.

You began to regret letting the company know of the fact that you don't get cold, because now you're being sandwiched between half the company trying to keep warm while the other half sleeps by the fire. The next morning, the storm was over and it was sunny out, still cold but the sun was at least out. You all ate, packed up, and were on your way. Ever since that night, anytime someone got cold, even in the slightest, you were the first person they rushed too to help warm them up. Even the more stubborn dwarves came to you for warmth, which was very adorable, though you could never say it to their faces.

You'd never admit but you really like the attention.

A/N: I tried to make this longer, I like to have my stories have at least 1500 words but anything I did felt like it was dragging it out longer and was more detailed than it needed to be. I would've had this uploaded sooner, but I had writers block, sorry. Hope you like it.


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