Reveal of the Furious Storm, Calming Rain and Shocking Lightning

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The winged clam
"Rain, Storm, Cloud, Mist, Sun and Lightning, he influences all of them. He understands and accept all of them." " Continuously at the heart of the attack, the Furious Storm that never rests." " To become a blessed shower that settles conflicts and washes everything away." " Destroying the misfortune that attacks the famiglia with their own body, they become the Sun that brightly shines upon an area." " To be the aloof, drifting Cloud that protects the Familia from an independent standpoint and whom nothing can ever bind" " To draw damage to himself and away from the rest of the famiglia, serving as a Lightning rod" " Creating something from nothing, and nothing from something; thus bewildering the enemy, to render the famiglia true form intangible with visions of deceit"
i feel hurt. My kind little brother the one I tried so hard to protect betrayed me he side with a mafia famiglia something I had tried so hard to bury so he would never know about it
(Scrap it)
Asari pov
We stood there in shock as lampo's little brother lambo walks out of the shadows with someone behind him speaking with a bored tone "yare yare takeshi-nii can we go i got ahodera so leggo finish these fools and leggo" "sure lets go lambo" lampo eyes widened as he fell to his knees "l-lambo why" lambo smiles "well don't you have to help other members of you're famiglia ne niichan(1)" lampo and the others are in shock because our siblings are probably evil and working with an enemy famiglia. "Maa maa wow lambo you really want to get in senpai's-" tmitm elbows takeshi straight in the gut "i mean go see senpai hahahaha" tmitm snorts while lambo blushes up a storm. Lampo is immediately up and has a dark aura "excuse me who is this senpai when my brother is barely 15 and you are 18 and he's your senpai" "errr...." "he's lambo's -mmmmpha don't you dare try and silence me ahoshi (2)
(2) ahoshi mean stupid cow like how ahodera or bakadera means that gokudera is stupid
(1) niichan is big brother but it is usually shortened to [name]-nii or nii chan
Ps sorry for the short chappy

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