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Key || Side Notes || Information
-Bold- = Author Notes
-Italics- = Character's Thoughts (only used once in awhile)
|| This Story will be told in first person point of view, occasionally switching povs every now and then. Warnings will be shown to help readers that are sensitive to gore and violence. Mature language used||

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Bored. That's what I feel like almost every single day of my life. Trapped in a big bubble with a metal bed, a bathroom, and a table with a wooden chair. Never liked that chair, always had splinters and was just a rough surface to sit on. I sighed, flipping through the playing cards in my hands. I picked up the card with a sharpened edge and dragged in on the ground, making a mark. It's been 7 years and 69 days since I was captured and brought here. That means it's almost my 15th birthday. Not that it mattered anyway. I remembered all the times mama and papa would surprise me with a birthday cake and candles. The way they would smile every time I blew out the candles to make a wish. A life I would want to go back to. They died in the massacre of the government. I tried to find another way out of this bubble by driving the edge of a sharp object through my heart, but the camera always pointed at me. Always watching my every move. I hated living here. I hated it to bits.

The heels of a shoe clicked throughout the room. I turned my head to meet up with a 30 year old man. Mr. Johnson, that's what they called him. A scientist that lost everything ever since the wipe out. His wife, his kids, his friends, all gone. His determination to avenge them is so strong, but I know for a fact he's slowly losing hope. He was holding a tray full of soup with a bunch of medicine crushed up in it. That's how I've been alive for so long. Sadly though, they developed the medicine right after the whole massacre. I secretly haven't been eating the soup though. I'd rather die than to be a little puppet.

"Alright, (Y/n), symptoms?" Mr. Johnson asked, tapping his foot rather impatiently.

I never liked him, mainly because of his whole "I don't have time for you" manner. Man, the determination in his eyes just completely disappeared.

"No," I answered, my voice dry.

He scoffed in annoyance and opened the slot, handing me the tray. He closed it, looked at me, and just left. You know, I was the reason his family died. When the world was going to absolute shit, I ran into his house to ask for help. My parents were on the floor, dead, and I just ran into his house by breaking down the door. Mr. Johnson was a good man. Always donated to charities and took care of his family really well. Such a shame he changed so much.

Mrs. Johnson looked at me so shocked and she realized what I was talking about and helped me try to wake my parents up from their dead state. She contracted the disease without knowing it and went home to her kids. Mr. Johnson being at work at the time trying to figure out what's going on didn't expect to see his family dead on the floor when he got back. I don't think he knows it's me. I hope he doesn't know it's me.

The disease. That's what I call it. It's formally known as the shi disease. Contracted by an exotic flower that was found in South Korea. You only get it by simply touching the person with the disease or touching something that the diseased person held before. The symptoms don't show up for a while, that's how it kept spreading. Nobody knew who had it. The death date was confusing as well. You could die in a matter of months or seconds. Though, I have my suspicions the disease kills you when your story is supposed to end. It's a strange theory, but I'll explain more later. The symptoms were simple. Vomiting, nausea, headache, fever, and/or numbness. The scientists don't tell us a lot, sadly.

That guy though. Mr. Johnson. He used to be so happy and cheerful, but he changed over the years. Even after his family died, he used to smile when he brought me my food. Whatever happened to him, I won't ever know I guess. I have nothing to see except an empty white room except the equipment supplying my life.

"Hey! I brought you a game of uno! I thought we can play together," a voice called out.

I turned around and saw Lily. Lily is a scientist also, but the absolute best scientist and a good friend. I used to call her Mrs Smith, but she insisted I call her Lily. She would occasionally bring me stuff to busy myself as I am the youngest person they are studying with the plague. She gives me information and she just likes hanging out with me while asking simple questions.

When I came here, she would hold me in a quarantine suit and squeeze me when I cried. That's why I am so close to her. Unlike everyone else, she only lost her husband in the plague and she still has her 16 year old son. She always tells me stories about him and his curiosity. Man, I'll miss her once my plan goes out

"Uno?" I questioned, suddenly getting excited.

I remember that back in the old days when mama and papa held board game nights. I miss it. I really do.

"Yup, but don't beat me this time! I need to win one!" She pouted.

I simply smiled as Lily put on her suit and opened the door. I wish I was normal. I don't want someone to get into trouble just to avoid getting something from me. She entered my bubble and placed the playing cards on my table.

The game went on for a while. Lily asking me questions as I think about what card to place down. I was winning though. I held a proud smirk on my face and once I placed down the final card, she grabbed my wrist. I looked up at her and instead of a teasing smirk, she looked at me seriously.

"Do you want to meet my son tomorrow?"

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