chapter seventeen: one

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Key || Side Notes || Information
-Bold- = Author Notes
-Italics- = Character's Thoughts (only used once in awhile)
|| This Story will be told in first person point of view, occasionally switching povs every now and then. Warnings will be shown to help readers that are sensitive to gore and violence. Mature language used||

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All of it started to piece together, one by one. Luke's and Anthony's dad left them. Lily isn't Anthony's biological mom and Luke is all alone. Anthony's dad cheated on his biological mom. Don't tell me.

The doctor chuckled at my confusion.

My parents were never home. They were never there for my birthdays. The outbreak didn't happen. The outbreak was an experiment. People died in the experiment. I was quarantined for most of my own fucking life, because I witnessed what happened. I was supposed to kill myself for this bitch to be happy and move on from the past.

A gun cocked. I focused my attention to the Doctor once again. A guy was behind him, pointing a pistol into his head. I couldn't move, I couldn't do anything. My vision was hazy and the lights didn't help at all.

"So you came to avenge your family, Mr. Johnson?" The Doctor asked, letting out a psychotic chuckle.

"You know what you fucking did. You killed my fucking family so I could work with you."


Mr. Johnson pulled the trigger.

The Doctor fell onto the ground with a pool of blood growing and growing.

Mr. Johnson took out a pocket knife and started walking towards me.

Is he going to kill me?

What's going on?

I kept squirming and moving, hoping I could break out and run out of this place.

"Hold still," Mr. Johnson commanded.

I reluctantly stayed in my position with my eyes closed shut. The restraints felt loose all of a sudden. I opened my eyes and saw the rope cut.

I looked at him and instead of looking pissed off at me, he smiled. A genuine smile from him.

Before I could thank him, a loud crash startled us. The door that the doctor came from opened, revealing tons of people armed with weapons. It wasn't the police though, it looked like their only objective was to kill us.


That's the only words Mr. Johnson said to me. That was the last I've heard and seen from him.

I turned around and ran for the door on the other side of the room. Gunshots were heard and I could only pray and hope.

I ran down endless of hallways. It looked exactly like the hospital. Don't tell me the doctor owned this too. I turned corners and corner, I don't even know if I was going the right way.

All of a sudden, I bumped into Lily.

"(Y/n)! Where have you been-"

"No time to waste!"

I grabbed her wrist and started running down stairs. Lily couldn't breathe or talk, because she was trying to catch up with my pace. All of a sudden, she stopped. Lily looked at me straight in the eyes.



I let go of her wrist and looked at her with frantic eyes. I was breathing heavily, trying to catch my breath.

Lily drew out a pistol and aimed it towards my head.

"I'm sorry, honey, but business calls," Lily smirked, almost pulling the trigger.

My eyes widened, but then I shut them, preparing for the bullet's impact. It never came though.

I opened my eyes in fear, slowly.

A bullet went through Lily's head.

And all that was left in the chaos of bodies,

was a young man standing there that looked awfully familiar.

This is when you can choose your ending. You can either choose Anthony, Luke, or true end, if you dare. There maybe will be a sequel if people want one so badly. Thank you for being there for me and reading this book. It means so much to me. Endings will come when all the endings are posted. Thank you for reading.

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